Hours before Biden’s viral Hollywood moment, Jill tried to fend off aging concerns: ‘Joe and the other guy are essentially the same age’

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A bingo caller shouted “Union jobs” and “Taking connected Big Pharma” for seniors to capable pinch crayons cards that besides included “Dr. Jill Biden” earlier nan first woman herself showed up to reside a crowd of astir 250 Saturday day — trying to easiness concerns arsenic her husband, 81, faces expanding nationalist scrutiny regarding his intelligence acuity.

Mere hours aft nan first lady’s event, President Biden undercut her connection pinch his 3rd viral infinitesimal successful a week, appearing to frost up astatine a celebrity-led Los Angeles fundraiser earlier erstwhile President Barack Obama led him disconnected nan stage.

“This nana is proud to guidelines present pinch each of you to get to activity to re-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” Jill said successful beforehand of a “Seniors for Biden-Harris” sign.

First Lady Jill Biden addressed a Saturday day crowd of astir 250 seniors.First Lady Jill Biden addressed a Saturday day crowd of astir 250 seniors. Cameron Arcand

On nan issues, Biden focused connected Social Security and Medicare successful her brief address. 

“Donald Trump supported ending Medicare arsenic we cognize it,” she claimed.

“He wants to trim Social Security to springiness much taxation breaks to his billionaire friends,” she continued. “Make nary mistake: Donald Trump is dangerous.”

The 73-year-old first woman attempted to put a affirmative rotation connected her husband’s property while taking a excavation astatine his Republican opponent, who is 78. 

“Joe and nan different feline are fundamentally nan aforesaid property truthful let’s not beryllium fooled,” she said.

“Biden is simply a healthy, wise, 81-year-old fresh to activity each time to make our early better,” she continued, echoing a statement she utilized pinch Nevada voters nan time earlier aft nan president made headlines for awkward behaviour astatine nan G7 acme and freezing astatine a Juneteenth celebration, arsenic The Post reported. 

Phoenix is conscionable 1 extremity connected nan first lady's "Seniors for Biden-Harris" tour.Phoenix is conscionable 1 extremity connected nan first lady’s “Seniors for Biden-Harris” tour. Cameron Arcand

The large mobility is whether nan president tin hit nan aging concerns, arsenic only astir 30% of registered voters judge he has nan “mental and cognitive wellness to serve” arsenic commandant successful chief, according to a CBS News poll. Trump fares amended than Biden successful nan canvass pinch 50%, but 23% said “neither of them” is mentally fresh to serve. 

The first lady’s sojourn was portion of nan Biden campaign’s effort to pat into nan older demographic, which caller nationalist polling has indicated is becoming progressively competitory betwixt existent and erstwhile presidents. A May Quinnipiac University poll has Biden starring Trump 55% to 43% pinch voters 65 and older erstwhile looking astatine those leaning toward either candidate.

In Arizona, a caller American Association for Retired Persons poll showed Trump led 52% to 43% for Biden pinch voters 50 and older.

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Event attendees The Post said pinch were much enthusiastic astir stopping nan erstwhile president retaking agency than re-electing Biden.

Robert of Phoenix, 68, said he’s concerned astir “saving freaking democracy” and recovered retired astir nan arena Friday because he plays pickleball astatine nan elder halfway that hosted nan event. He thinks nan management has done a bully occupation connected “infrastructure and nan CHIPS Act” but said Republicans retaking nan House mostly successful 2022 has deterred nan president’s agenda.

Linda of Mesa and her friend Rose Conner of Gilbert some noted they’re supporting Biden because they judge successful “preserving democracy.” When asked astir Trump’s sojourn to Phoenix past week, they called nan now-viral infinitesimal of him kissing arguable erstwhile Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio “disgusting” and “frightening.” 

Trump headlined a municipality hallway pinch thousands of supporters successful northbound Phoenix, wherever he aimed chiefly astatine Biden’s migration and economical policies. It was his first arena successful nan Grand Canyon State since nan midterm elections and his first arena wide aft his condemnation successful nan Stormy Daniels hush-money trial, The Post reported astatine nan time. 

Ahead of Biden’s visit, nan blimpish group Citizens for Free Enterprise criticized nan effort to target older voters, taking purpose astatine nan White House’s economical policies. 

“No 1 is buying what President Biden is selling,” Citizens for Free Enterprise spokesperson Jesse Hunt said. “Seniors connected fixed incomes person watched successful dismay arsenic they get crushed by inflation, forcing them to make difficult choices successful what should beryllium nan aureate years of life. Bidenomics has been a disaster for America’s seniors — nary 1 tin spend 4 much years of it.”

Phoenix is only 1 extremity connected nan first lady’s “Seniors for Biden-Harris” tour, arsenic she visited arsenic Reno, Nev., and Duluth, Minn., to garner support for her hubby past week. Biden narrowly won Arizona successful 2020, and a New York Times exit poll from nan predetermination had Trump starring by only 1% pinch voters 65-plus. 

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