Harvey Keitel, 85, and wife Daphna Kastner, 63, spotted on RARE outing as they hold hands and stroll through the streets of Milan during romantic getaway

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Harvey Keitel, nan character champion known for Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, enjoyed a uncommon nationalist outing pinch his woman Daphna Kastner connected Tuesday.

The adorable couple, who person been joined since 2001, were spotted strolling hand-in-hand done nan picturesque streets of Milan. 

Harvey, 85, looked casual successful a achromatic t-shirt and plaid shorts, while Daphna, 63, flaunted her summertime style successful a pinkish sundress. 

Both sported sandals arsenic they strolled done nan city, stopping for luxury shopping astatine high-end boutiques. 

The vacationing emotion birds stock 1 boy together, Roman, who was calved successful 2004. 

Harvey Keitel, nan character champion known for Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs , enjoyed a uncommon nationalist outing pinch his woman Daphna Kastner connected Tuesday

The adorable couple, who person been joined since 2001,  were spotted strolling hand-in-hand done nan picturesque streets of Milan

In summation to Roman, Harvey has 2 different children from erstwhile relationships: Stella, calved successful 1985 pinch character Lorraine Bracco, and Hudson, calved successful 2001 pinch Lisa Karmazin. 

The family presently resides successful New York City, wherever they support a comparatively backstage life distant from nan nationalist eye. 

In 2021, Harvey shared nan communicative of really he met Daphna complete 20 years ago, revealing that his bully friend Robert De Niro played a pivotal domiciled successful their introduction. 

'I met my woman successful Rome astatine a statement for Robert,' Keitel said of their first gathering successful nan 80s connected The Late Show. 

'She allowed maine to return her to meal astatine nan [Dal Bolognese Roma]. Then I called her backmost again a 2nd night. She came and we had meal together a 2nd night.

' And past I asked her if she would for illustration a portion successful my edifice room — and she said, "No, convey you." And I spent a batch of money connected her. It was a bully restaurant,' he added, pinch a laugh. 

Harvey past said that aft their first meeting, he didn't spot Daphna again for 17 years until they reconnected astatine different statement hosted by De Niro. 

'And location was this woman who I bought 2 dinners for astatine nan Dal Bolognese 17 years agone and it was my wife, Daphna. And we stayed together. 

'And 7 weeks later, I was going to a movie show successful Italy and I asked her to travel pinch me. She said ‘yes.'

Harvey, 85, looked casual successful a achromatic t-shirt and plaid shorts

Daphna, 63, flaunted her summertime style successful a pinkish sundress

Both sported sandals arsenic they strolled done nan city, stopping for luxury shopping astatine high-end boutiques

The vacationing brace stock 1 boy together, Roman, who was calved successful 2004

The brace enjoyed nan Italian shopping spree

In summation to Roman, Harvey has 2 different children from erstwhile relationships: Stella, calved successful 1985 pinch character Lorraine Bracco, and Hudson, calved successful 2001 pinch Lisa Karmazin

The brace perused 1 of nan galore precocious extremity shops successful Milan

Harvey trim a cool fig successful his laid-back ensemble

In 2021, Harvey shared nan communicative of really he met Daphna complete 20 years ago, revealing that his bully friend Robert De Niro played a pivotal domiciled successful their introduction

Keitel is champion known for his roles successful iconic films specified arsenic "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs," some directed by Quentin Tarantino

'And connected nan flight, I said, ‘What do you deliberation astir getting married?’ She gave a awesome answer: she said, "OK."'

He concluded, 'The topper was, we get pregnant astir a twelvemonth later, and our boy is calved connected Robert De Niro’s birthday.'

Harvey tin presently beryllium seen successful nan Peacock series The Tattooist of Auschwitz, based connected nan eponymously entitled novel, 

It tells nan powerful existent communicative of a Jewish captive who was tasked pinch tattooing ID numbers connected prisoners' arms successful nan Auschwitz-Birkenau attraction campy during World War Two. 

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