Grayson Murray died by suicide, his parents reveal one day after the PGA star's shocking death: 'Although he took his own life, we know he rests peacefully now'

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By Alex Raskin and Dan Matthews

Published: 11:18 EDT, 26 May 2024 | Updated: 11:27 EDT, 26 May 2024

Golfer Grayson Murray died by suicide, his parents person revealed successful a statement.

Murray, a two-time victor connected nan PGA Tour, died astatine nan property of 30 – 24 hours aft he withdrew towards nan extremity of his 2nd information nan Charles Schwab Challenge successful Texas. He had told his playing partners he was emotion unwell. 

'Life wasn't ever easy for Grayson, and though he took his ain life, we cognize he rests peacefully now,' publication nan connection from his parents released by nan PGA connected Sunday.

'We person spent nan past 24 hours trying to travel to position pinch nan truth that our boy is gone,' Eric and Terry Murray's connection began. It's surreal that we not only person to admit it to ourselves, but that we besides person to admit it to nan world. It's a nightmare.'


Golfer Grayson Murray died by suicide, his parents person revealed successful a statement

Earlier, PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan revealed really Murray inspired nan circuit to amended its intelligence wellness programs earlier his tragic death.

Murray was unfastened astir his struggles pinch intoxicant and intelligence health, erstwhile saying: 'I'm not ashamed that I spell done slump and anxiety.'

Back successful 2021, however, he called retired nan Tour for not helping him during his acheronian days. The Tweet, which was later deleted, read: 'No nan PGA Tour didn’t unit maine to drink. But nan PGA Tour ne'er gave maine help. 

'In my 5 years of acquisition of being connected circuit not erstwhile person I ever had a petition been acknowledged by nan commissioner aliases nan PAC (Player Advisory Council) different than "We will get backmost to you". 

 'I dream not only nan PGA circuit steps up successful nan areas they request to measurement up but I besides dream group are held accountable successful their roles they serve.'

On Saturday, soon aft announcing Murray's death, Monahan revealed really that Tweet prompted him to walk clip pinch nan golfer - and make improvements to really nan circuit deals pinch intelligence health.

'When Grayson said that, I called him correct away,' Monahan said astatine Colonial Country Club, having flown successful from nan Tour’s office successful Florida. 

'Over nan past respective years, I spent a batch of clip pinch him because I wanted to understand what we could do successful his estimation, successful his opinion, to thief everybody other retired here. 

'We’ve made a number of advancements on those lines and it’s go a existent constituent of attraction and emphasis. We’re proud of nan programs we person successful spot to support our players, to support everybody retired here.

Monahan had earlier said Murray's decease near him 'lost for words'.   

Jay Monahan revealed really Murray inspired nan Tour to amended its intelligence wellness programs

He later added: 'I’m devastated by Grayson’s loss, obviously, but — not but — nan conversations I had pinch him, peculiarly nan past year, I learned an atrocious batch from him. 

'He was very unfastened and transparent pinch me. Most importantly, I deliberation backmost to really he was willing successful existent property and really he had go willing successful things he wasn’t willing successful before. He talked astir conscionable nan bid he had successful his life.'

Murray was peculiarly unfastened astir his off-course struggles pursuing nan Sony Open successful Hawaii successful January, erstwhile he won his 2nd PGA Tour title. 

'Everything he talked astir aft he won nan Sony Open, he talked to a batch of group about, and I recovered inspiration successful that personally, and I besides recovered inspiration successful that arsenic a leader of this Tour.'

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