Female stalker, 44, who bugged her ex-boyfriend's car and redirected his mail in bid to 'expose' him as a 'benefits cheat' and get extra child support from him faces jail

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A stalker who bugged her ex-boyfriend's car, redirected his message and smeared him arsenic a benefits cheat successful a bid to get other kid support for their 12-year-old girl is facing jail.

Veronica Jackson told Kevin McCormack, 'I cognize wherever you are - I cognize what you are doing', successful a drawstring of messages during her stalking campaign.

The 44-year-old hoarded and opened her victim's letters successful an effort to beryllium he was claiming benefits while he had a job, and unit him to lend £200 a period successful kid attraction payments, a tribunal heard.

When Mr McCormack recovered activity astatine a nightclub, she made an anonymous telephone to his caller leader falsely claiming that constabulary were investigating him for fraud.

Jackson, of Henbury, Cheshire, is now facing jailhouse aft being convicted of stalking and a complaint of delaying mail.

Warrington Magistrates' Court heard really nan couple had a girl together successful 2012 but divided up 8 years aft their narration ended. The begetter said he had 'agreed a figure' pinch nan Child Support Agency (CSA) but that Jackson demanded much and nan business had go a 'stalemate'.

When he was jobless, Mr McCormack - who claimed he was only capable to springiness £6.25 a week to support their kid - past received a bid of messages from his ex-girlfriend showing routes he had taken to and from his location and nan times of nan journeys.

Texts from Jackson read: 'I person capable grounds to person you done for use fraud. Picture log ins each sorts. So we tin benignant this retired betwixt america aliases I will return nan charismatic route, are you going to talk Kevin? I want you to salary for our girl arsenic you should beryllium doing. You've made a really bad correction for nan past fewer months.'

Veronica Jackson (pictured) is facing jailhouse aft stalking her ex-boyfriend

Jackson pictured pinch ex-boyfriend Kevin McCormack. The 44-year-old bugged her victim's car and redirected his mail

Jackson pictured extracurricular Warrington Magistrates' Court wherever she was recovered blameworthy of stalking

Private letters diverted to Jackson besides revealed that Mr McCormack was owed to suffer his rented flat, while nan stalker besides contacted his employer requesting confidential accusation erstwhile he yet sewage a occupation astatine nan nightclub.

Mr McCormack contacted the Royal Mail to inquire why he had not been receiving letters and was fixed a forwarding reside which he visited and recovered nan stalker's car parked outside.

Jackson, who runs a hairsbreadth extensions business, was yet reported by constabulary and erstwhile officers arrested her they found a sack of message astatine her location pinch letters addressed to him which had been opened.

The unfortunate said that aft he blocked Jackson connected WhatsApp he recovered a packet of flour tipped complete his conveyance nan pursuing day. 

Mr McCormack told nan court: 'One greeting I was seeing a friend successful Bolton and Veronica sent a connection done pinch a image of my car and a image of immoderate benignant of app. 

'It had what clip I group off, what way I took, wherever I ended up, and she was accusing maine of working, not paying enough, and each kinds of things pinch it. I was not moving astatine nan time.

The stalker (pictured) also hoarded and opened her victim's letters successful an effort to beryllium he had a job

The erstwhile mates pictured together. Jobless Mr McCormack claimed he could only pay £6.25 a week to support their child

Mr McCormack past contacted nan Royal Mail to inquire why he had not been receiving letters

Jackson pictured extracurricular Warrington Magistrates' Court. She was yet reported by constabulary and erstwhile officers arrested her they recovered a sack of message astatine her home

'I felt frightened and tense and I felt for illustration I was being harassed. It was non-stop messaging. 

'Obviously pinch nan tracking, it made maine consciousness nervous. I did not cognize what to do.

'I could not move without her knowing wherever I was and sending them messages. I was looking retired nan model each nan time. Is thing going to travel done my door? It was stressful.'

He added: 'I told Veronica nan CSA were dealing pinch it and to time off maine alone. I said: 'We tin benignant this out, extremity harassing me. Stop stalking maine and making my life that I cannot spell anywhere. Leave maine alone. Let's get connected pinch our lives. Let's benignant worldly retired decently for our daughter.' But she kept texting me.

'At nan clip I was renting a level and I sewage a connection from nan landlord saying he was trading it. Then I sewage a connection disconnected Veronica saying 'Haha, I'm truthful sorry to spot you being homeless. You merit this. You are being evicted.'

'It was blowing my mind really she knew this information. Only nan landlord and nan property supplier dealing pinch it knew astir it.

'I was not getting immoderate station for astir 2 aliases 3 weeks and I thought that was a spot overseas truthful I went to nan station agency and inquired and they said my message had been redirected to this address. 

'I went to nan reside and Veronica's car was successful nan drive. That is why she knew astir nan individual stuff. Whatever message went, she evidently recovered it. She recovered retired astir my location situation.

'I blocked her connected WhatsApp because she was sending maine threatening messages connected nan Tuesday night. 

'On nan Wednesday greeting I woke up and my car was afloat of achromatic flour. It took 3 days to get it off.'

In her evidence, Jackson claimed her ex-boyfriend had been moving arsenic a building tract head whilst claiming benefits and added: 'In a telephone telephone I had pinch nan CSA they asked maine if I could find retired wherever he was moving and I said: 'Leave it pinch me.'

'He said he was connected benefits but we were gathering accusation that he was moving which would person changed nan payments from £6.25 a week to £50 a week which is what I've asked for. 

'[The CSA] asked if I could get a slope connection aliases a payslip to beryllium he was working. So I redirected his mail.'

Private letters diverted to Jackson besides showed Mr McCormack was owed to suffer his rented flat

Texts from Jackson to her unfortunate included: 'I person capable grounds to person you done for use fraud'

In her evidence, Jackson claimed her ex-boyfriend had been moving arsenic a building tract head whilst claiming benefits

When asked if she thought putting nan locator connected his conveyance was stalking, Jackson said: 'There was nary interaction pinch Kevin, he would not talk pinch maine and he continuously put nan telephone down connected nan CSA. 

'I was trying to get him to salary for my daughter. I americium a azygous mum pinch a 12-year-old kid pinch nary payments whatsoever from her father. I did not cognize really other to do it.'

Prosecutor Vincent Yip said: 'There is simply nary excuse for doing what she did. He was successful fear. 

'He didn't cognize what was going to happen. Tracking someone, their location, redirecting their station without permission, calling their spot of work, making enquiries, a reasonable personification would find that is stalking and unreasonable successful each nan circumstances.'

But defence lawyer Lionel Greig said: 'She was trying to beryllium that he was moving and she and her girl are entitled to due benefits decently calculated.

'She tin get ineligible proposal but location is simply a costs constituent and those are important successful family proceedings. There is nan anticipation of instructing a backstage detective but again it each costs - nan suspect simply did not person nan means.'

'She was simply trying to show that he was moving and had financial responsibilities to his daughter.'

In convicting Jackson, JP Robin Bradshaw told her: 'You did admit to fitting nan tracker, redirecting and opening message and contacting his spot of work. 

'Whilst we person sympathy for nan business you find yourself in, we cull that your people of behaviour was reasonable successful nan circumstances, owed to different grounds being truthful compelling. 

'You ought to person known your people of behaviour would magnitude to stalking.'

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