Faye Dunaway candidly opens up about her 'painful' childhood in emotional HBO documentary trailer: 'I was very depressed'

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By Kirsty Mccormack, Senior Entertainment Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 14:26 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 14:26 EDT, 28 June 2024

Oscar-winning character Faye Dunaway candidly opens up astir her 'painful' puerility successful an affectional caller trailer for her upcoming documentary, FAYE, which will aerial connected HBO.

In nan two-minute clip, nan 83-year-old character is seen talking connected camera astir really she was 'moody' and 'depressed' successful nan past, and reveals that 'acting was a measurement to escape' from her family experience.

As achromatic and achromatic photographs of nan Bonnie and Clyde prima arsenic a kid flashed up connected nan screen, Dunaway is heard saying: 'Faye is nan persona, and Dorothy Faye is that small woman from nan South,' referring to her commencement name.  

'The acting was a measurement to flight from my family experience, which was painful,' she adds, arsenic nan trailer cuts to her son, Liam Dunaway O'Neill, who admits: 'My mom would support her emotions wrong and past fto it out.'

Dunaway continues: 'I was very depressed, moody and I'm still responsible for my actions. I came to understand nan reason, usage those feelings, they're who you are. They make you strong, they don't make you weak.'

Faye Dunaway opens up astir her life and profession successful a caller trailer for her upcoming HBO documentary FAYE

The prima explains really 'acting was a measurement to escape' from her 'painful family experience'

The clip is spliced pinch images from Dunaway's iconic movies, including Mommie Dearest and Eyes of Laura Mars, arsenic good arsenic present-day footage of her stepping among nan streets of Manhattan.

One segment shows nan mother-of-one sitting down to do her question and reply for nan documentary and she's heard complaining to nan crew, 'This is nan worst spot successful nan world,' earlier applying her ain hairspray arsenic personification holds a reflector up for her.

A voiceover is heard saying: 'She's difficult, but caring. Before you make judgement, you person to look deeper,' earlier chap character Sharon Stone appears onscreen and describes Dunaway arsenic 'an inspiration,' and a 'force of nature.'

Another impermanent speaker successful nan documentary says: 'Talk astir equality for women. She could beryllium arsenic devastating arsenic immoderate man, and you cognize what? It was benignant of breathtaking to spot that.'

The documentary moreover touches connected Dunaway's iconic Oscars portrait, which was captured by photography Terry O'Neill astatine 6am nan time aft she won nan Best Actress Academy Award for her domiciled as Diana Christensen successful nan 1976 movie Network.

The image shows her sitting by a immense swimming pool, still wearing her glamorous gown, while her golden statue and a meal tray sits connected nan array successful beforehand of her and various newspapers are strewn crossed nan level by her feet.

'I retrieve nan moment, it was an astonishing night,' Dunaway says of nan photograph being taken, earlier adding: 'Life is hills and valleys. I've sewage an thought successful my mind and I was gonna effort to execute it. I'm Faye Dunaway, that's who I am.'

The upcoming documentary, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival successful May and runs for 1 hr and 31 minutes, will locomotion done nan highlights of Dunaway's profession including her landmark roles successful movies specified arsenic Chinatown.

Faye besides describes herself arsenic being 'very depressed' and 'moody' successful nan past

Faye's boy Liam Dunaway O'Neill and chap character Sharon Stone some make appearances successful nan documentary

Warren Beatty and Faye starred alongside 1 different successful nan 1967 movie Bonnie and Clyde 

FAYE delves into Dunaway's history pinch bipolar upset and shows really nan information — which tin lead sufferers to experience manic states and bouts of slump of varying degrees — whitethorn explicate immoderate of her much infamous on-set behavior.

Early reviews saw critics praise nan film for tacking nan eponymous actress' infamous estimation arsenic a 'diva,' which grew complete clip owed to behind-the-scenes feuds pinch immoderate of her costars and directors.

In 1 affirmative reappraisal of FAYE, The Hollywood Reporter's David Rooney praised nan movie arsenic 'entertaining' while noting that Dunaway, who participated and seemingly authorized nan film, was consenting to expose immoderate of her difficult behaviour connected group to springiness a fuller image of her whirlwind career.

FAYE premieres July 13 connected HBO and will beryllium disposable to watercourse connected Max. 

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