Eva Longoria reveals why she loved getting typecast as 'sexy' after raunchy Desperate Housewives role

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Eva Longoria has admitted she had nary rumor pinch being typecast successful 'sexy' roles pursuing her quality successful Desperate Housewives, revealing she actively embraced saying 'yes' to acting jobs dripping successful activity appeal.

The actress, 49, famously starred arsenic Gabrielle Solis in each 8 seasons of nan ABC drama play that ran from 2004 to 2012, and during that clip she had nary qualms leaning into being pigeonholed. 

Speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com, Eva said that she didn't awkward distant from being formed successful sexed-up roles because she knows she is 'so overmuch more.' 

She said: 'Somebody asked me: "Aren't you frightened you're going to beryllium pigeonholed into being sexy aliases sexy roles?"

'And I was like, "That would beryllium great. That'd beryllium great." I'm riding sexy to nan beach. So I ne'er really bustled pinch [that]. I'm truthful overmuch more. 

Eva Longoria embraced being typecast successful 'sexy' roles pursuing her quality successful Desperate Housewives

The actress, 49, famously played Gabrielle Solis successful nan ABC dramedy (pictured wth Ricardo Antonio Chavira arsenic Carlos Solis and Jesse Metcalfe arsenic teenage gardener John Rowland)

'I'm like, "no, I cognize I'm more, but I'll return nan sexy roles." I embraced it and it was nosy and great. 

'And erstwhile group still telephone maine that today, I'm like, "Well, convey you. Thank you very much."'

Eva's characteristic embarked connected a sordid matter pinch her teenage gardener John Rowland, played by Jesse Metcalfe, pinch nan brace often seen enjoying steamy clinches arsenic Gaby battled to hide their illicit romance from her hubby Carlos (Ricardo S. Chavira) and nan residents of Wisteria Lane.

Over nan people of her career, she leaned into sexy roles, playing nan lead successful nan 2008 romcom Over Her Dead Body alongside Paul Rudd and Lake Bell.

Eva, who is married to José Bastón, 56, pinch whom she has six-year-old boy Santiago, besides starred alongside Jason Bigs and Rob Corddry successful nan achromatic drama Lower Leaning successful that aforesaid year.

It has been 12 years since Desperate Housewives aired its last episode, and while Eva is keen to reprise her domiciled successful a reboot, she revealed that creator Marc Cherry has zero desire to revisit Wisteria Lane.

'I would beryllium nan first 1 to motion up,' she said. 

'I loved Desperate Housewives, and I emotion my clip connected nan show and I emotion nan women - and we each still talk.

In nan show, Eva's characteristic Gaby embarked connected a sordid matter pinch John, sharing respective friendly scenes

I cognize I'm more, but I'll return nan sexy roles... And erstwhile group still telephone maine that today, I'm like, "Well, convey you. Thank you very much,"' she told DailyMail.com 

Eva besides played nan lead successful nan 2008 romcom Over Her Dead Body alongside Paul Rudd

'Marc Cherry, our creator, doesn't want to do a reboot. He's really adamant connected nan truth that there's thing much to opportunity pinch these characters.'

Eva's Gaby was 1 of 4 housewives alongside Bree Van de Kamp, Lynette Scavo and Susan Mayer, played by Marcia Cross, Felicity Huffman and Teri Hatcher, respectively.

The show, which followed their lives connected nan fictional Wisteria Lane successful nan aftermath of nan mysterious termination of a neighbor, was groundbreaking for it's predominantly 40 plus, all-female cast.

Revealing why Marc refuses to revisit nan celebrated quartet, Eva said: 'I've talked to him respective times. I'm like, "Marc, we person to do a reboot each truthful often." But he feels for illustration we came retired astatine a clip wherever it was really groundbreaking and we were a dramedy and location was nary different dramedy astatine nan time.

'And we were, you know, actors complete 40 and it was for illustration it was a large deal. And now it's not.'

She continued: 'Desperate Housewives were connected astatine a clip wherever it was 24 episodes a twelvemonth for 8 years. None of this six to 8 episodes bulls**t.

'So he feels for illustration we afloat explored these characters. Like I couldn't slumber pinch 1 much personification connected Wisteria Lane. I slept pinch everybody! I fought pinch everybody.

'And truthful he felt for illustration he doesn't person thing other to mine. I would beryllium connected board. I would beryllium nan first one. He knows it.'

Eva has loudly registered liking successful reprising her Desperate Housewives domiciled successful a reboot

Eva, whose latest domiciled was successful Apple play Land of Women, antecedently told DailyMail.com that nan show should person employed an intimacy coordinator arsenic she opened up astir what it was really for illustration to movie truthful galore raunchy scenes pinch Jesse.

'I had a batch of friendly scenes,' she said. 'We some came from soaps, which was for illustration not worse, but for illustration a batch of kissing scenes. So we were some like, okay, whatever. Like, we didn't really it didn't fuss us.

'But I looking backmost now, I go, my gosh, we astir apt should person had an intimacy coordinator conscionable successful lawsuit personification was uncomfortable.

'But Jesse and I were truthful adjacent that we had a really bully narration and statement astir what we were comfortable with.'

She continued: 'Also, we were connected web TV, truthful location wasn't a batch we could do anyway.'

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