Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop 4 gets BUSTED by critics! Axel F draws mixed reviews with some calling it a 'pointless sequel'

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By Deirdre Durkan-simonds and Amelia Wynne For Mailonline

Published: 17:54 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 17:54 EDT, 4 July 2024

Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F left audiences and critics underwhelmed.  

Following nan film's merchandise connected Wednesday, viewers were speedy to rip isolated nan latest  installment of nan long-running action drama franchise, which immoderate referred to arsenic a 'pointless sequel.'

In nan New York Post's scathing reappraisal of Murphy's latest project, nan publication's intermezo critic, Johnny Oleksinski wrote that 'everything uniquely typical and hilarious astir nan 1984 fish-out-of-water deed is gone.' 

He went connected to picture nan action-comedy arsenic a 'mediocre nostalgia grab' and pointed retired nan disappointing deficiency of maturation successful Murphy's character, Axel Foley. 

Variety's reappraisal besides slammed nan film, pinch American movie critic, Owen Gleiberman, penning that nan book sounded 'like it was pasted together retired of aged drafts.' 

Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F near audiences and critics underwhelmed; seen past month

Still, Gleiberman said location were a 'few funny moments' and suggested that it mightiness beryllium nostalgic for immoderate viewers. 

The Hollywood Reporter's reappraisal shared akin disapproval of nan flick. 

'Legacy tin only return you truthful far,' David Rooney wrote successful his review for nan outlet. 'The closest point to invention that screenwriters Will Beall, Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten person travel up pinch is nan preamble of a sentimental strain of family friction, pinch estrangement predictably starring to accountability and lukewarm reconciliation.'

He continued: 'The remainder is simply a strictly regular pileup of car crashes, shoot-outs and wisecracks.' 

Rooney goes connected to constitute that while 'Murphy coasts on connected charm,' yet nan 'material is conscionable not crisp capable to make large laughs.' 

Still, he credits Murphy’s 'big personality' for making 'Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F amended than a batch of Netflix features.' 

'The movie besides has existent L.A. location shooting connected its side. But that doesn’t extremity it from emotion for illustration thing recycled retired of 40-year-old ideas. If you’re good pinch that, enjoy,' he concludes. 

Despite immoderate harsh reviews, nan movie earned a 65 percent on Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer and a 78 percent people from nan audience.

Following nan film's merchandise connected Wednesday, viewers were speedy to rip isolated nan latest installment successful nan action drama franchise, which immoderate referred to arsenic a 'pointless sequel' (Murphy seen successful nan movie arsenic Axel Foley)

In nan New York Post's scathing reappraisal of Murphy's latest project, nan publication's intermezo critic, Johnny Oleksinski wrote that 'everything uniquely typical and hilarious astir nan 1984 fish-out-of-water deed is gone'

Still, immoderate satisfied viewers took to X to stock really overmuch they enjoyed nan flick.

'Beverly Hills Cop 4 was truthful f**king great. I want number 5 now,' 1 wrote. 

Another tweeted: 'I was worried erstwhile they announced nan sequels to Bad Boys 4 and Beverly Hills Cop 4 this year, but they're really great.' 

'Beverly Hills Cop 4 is cinema. One retired of a very fewer projects that Netflix sewage right,' a 3rd raved. 

The Beverly Hills franchise has been dormant since nan 3rd installment deed theaters 30 years agone successful 1994.

The original Beverly Hills Cop (1984) was a bona fide deed successful nan US, grossing much than $234 cardinal dollars against a $13 cardinal budget, making it nan highest grossing movie of that year.

Three years later, Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) turned into different smash astatine nan box, earning $299.97 cardinal while moving pinch a bigger fund of $27 million.

It would beryllium six years until nan 3rd installment, Beverly Hills Cop III (1994), deed theaters but it return a large dive down successful nan moneymaking department, bringing successful $119.2 cardinal pinch a $70 cardinal budget.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F premiered connected Netflix connected July 3.

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