Dua Lipa goes Instagram official with boyfriend Callum Turner as she shares photos of their wild weekend at Glastonbury

Trending 2 days ago

By Joanna Crawley For Mailonline

Published: 02:51 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 02:53 EDT, 3 July 2024

Dua Lipa has posted her first Instagram snaps pinch fellow Callum Turner aft their chaotic play of partying astatine Glastonbury.

The singer, 28, headlined nan festival's Pyramid Stage connected Friday nighttime and stayed connected tract each play to statement pinch Callum, 34.

Sharing a watercourse of photos of her Worthy Farm trip, Dua included 2 pinch the Masters Of The Air actor, 1 showing nan grinning brace enjoying drinks connected nan writer and different of Callum sweetly kissing her caput arsenic they strolled astir site. 

Dua captioned nan carousel: 'dancing until you spot nan sunrise astatine chromatic circle is nan glasto ritual'.

Dua Lipa has posted her first Instagram snaps pinch fellow Callum Turner aft their chaotic play of partying astatine Glastonbury

Sharing a watercourse of photos of her Worthy Farm trip, Dua included 2 pinch nan Masters Of The Air actor, 1 showing Callum sweetly kissing her caput arsenic they strolled astir site

Other snaps showed nan vocalist showing disconnected her show fashion, posing successful basking pants and a sparkling apical wrong her VIP caravan.

Dua and Callum were first linked astatine nan London Masters Of The Air premiere successful January erstwhile they were spotted cosying up astatine nan afterparty, but this is nan first clip either person acknowledged nan narration connected societal media.

Glastonbury onlookers described really the smitten brace couldn't support their hands disconnected 1 another arsenic they celebrated Dua's unthinkable capacity connected Friday night.

After her 'magical' group connected nan Pyramid Stage, Dua hosted a backstage backstage bash wherever she thanked her 'inner circle' and wished her mum a happy birthday.

But aft nan friendly celebrations, Dua headed to cheery nine NYC Download successful Block9 of nan show - wherever she partied until 4am and snogged her beau connected nan dancefloor.

The nightclub - who were not alert that Dua would beryllium attending - is famed for its debauchery. It features spell go dancers successful jock straps and a acheronian room for X-rated antics. 

Dua and Callum kept a debased floor plan arsenic they sneaked successful earlier being taken to their ain backstage area. 

But it was not a tame night, arsenic nan New Rules hitmaker stayed retired until nan early hours drinking vodka and tonics and smoking cigarettes. 

Other snaps showed nan vocalist showing disconnected her show fashion, posing successful basking pants and a sparkling apical wrong her VIP caravan 

The singer, 28, headlined nan festival's Pyramid Stage connected Friday nighttime and stayed connected tract each play to statement pinch Callum, 34, and her friends 

The chart-topper posed pinch her girlfriends who each came retired to support her header slot 

A root told The Sun: 'Dua and Callum couldn't extremity smiling and they were hugging and kissing nan full clip they were there. He truthful was telling her really proud he is of her and she looked smitten. 

'At 1 constituent Calum produced a caller vessel of Belvedere vodka and started free pouring vodka and tonics for Dua.'

Then connected Saturday, nan mates emerged precocious greeting aft their dense nighttime and relaxed successful nan VIP area.

Dua puffed connected a cigaret while Callum wrapped his arms tightly astir her arsenic she relaxed.

Dua made nan astir nan weekend, sticking astir aft her first nighttime capacity to party

Dua captioned nan carousel of Insta snaps: 'dancing until you spot nan sunrise astatine chromatic circle is nan glasto ritual'

After her 'magical' group connected nan Pyramid Stage, Dua hosted a backstage backstage bash wherever she thanked her 'inner circle' and wished her mum a happy birthday 

The One Kiss singer, 29, and nan actor, 34, were first romantically linked successful January, and they could not support their hands disconnected each different astatine nan Worthy Farm arena complete nan weekend

Dua puffed connected a cigaret while her fellow Callum wrapped his arms tightly astir her astatine Glastonbury Festival successful Worthy Farm connected Saturday

Dua Lipa 's header capacity connected nan Pyramid Stage astatine Glastonbury has earned her glowing reviews but it is her guidance to different Glasto performer that has seen her spell viral

While Dua had nosy pinch her loved ones astatine nan Somerset festival, she did person 1 brushwood that she didn't precisely enjoy. 

While having a stroll astir site, nan New Rules vocalist was stopped by @liamcmusic_  -  a busker known for his societal media videos of his ukulele performances. 

A video shared by Liam sees nan musician enthusiastically playing '30 seconds of my caller song' to an uncomfortable looking Dua.

Her unimpressed guidance has gone viral pinch 1 tweeting: 'That video of nan lad singing to Dua Lipa astatine Glastonbury has fixed maine 3rd grade cringe.'

Another shared a screenshot of Dua's unimpressed look arsenic they quipped: 'Every female connected world tin place pinch Dua Lipa waiting for nan feline to extremity playing guitar.'

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