Dua Lipa 'FINALLY begins works on her £6.75M London home's mega basement with swimming pool and cinema after three-year legal battle'

Trending 3 days ago

Dua Lipa is said to person yet begun activity connected her London home's mega basement pursuing a three-year agelong ineligible battle. 

The Training Season singer, 28, bought nan spot backmost successful 2017 for for £6.75 cardinal erstwhile she was conscionable 22 years old.

But aft submitting connection plans successful December 2021 to build a pool, steam room, shower, changing room, relaxation zone, cinema, workplace waiting area and lobby, she landed successful basking h2o pinch conservationists and nan section council.

Now successful snaps obtained by The Sun building has commenced pinch builders digging nether nan location and tearing retired nan soul walls. 

Last twelvemonth Dua was fixed nan spell up but activity connected nan tract had to kept to a minimum and instrumentality must beryllium mounted pinch 'anti-vibration isolators' to debar disturbing nan neighbours. 

Dua Lipa, 28, is said to person yet begun activity connected her London home's mega basement pursuing a three-year agelong ineligible battle

The Training Season singer  bought nan spot backmost successful 2017 for for £6.75 cardinal erstwhile she was conscionable 22 years old

But aft submitting connection plans successful December 2021 to build a pool, steam room, shower, changing room, relaxation zone, cinema, workplace waiting area and lobby, she landed successful basking h2o pinch conservationists and nan section council

A root told The Sun last year: 'Dua's plans for her location are epic and aft 4 years she has yet started looking for builders to commencement activity connected her euphony studio, pool, gym, cinema and chillout area.

'She has to adhere to immoderate beautiful strict agreements because of really overmuch objection location was to her plans complete nan nonaccomplishment of greenish space.

'Her building squad will person to support nan sounds of powerfulness devices to a susurration and each nan instrumentality must beryllium mounted pinch anti-vibration insulators. 

'No 1 should beryllium alert immoderate activity is taking spot and Dua's neighbours could footwear up a stink if they are. Dua doesn't want to origin immoderate annoyance and she is looking guardant to making her location a home.'

The Levitating popular prima picked up nan North London pad and submitted plans for renovations, but nan strategy has been going backwards and forwards pinch her section assembly ever since.

At nan time, she landed successful basking h2o pinch conservationists complete her Grand Designs-style plans for a monolithic makeover of her home including a basement swimming excavation - complete pinch a 'chill-out area'.

Last twelvemonth Dua was fixed nan spell up but activity connected nan tract had to kept to a minimum and instrumentality must beryllium mounted pinch 'anti-vibration isolators' to debar disturbing nan neighbours

But aft submitting connection plans successful December 2021 to build a pool, steam room, shower, changing room, relaxation zone, cinema, workplace waiting area and lobby, she landed successful basking h2o pinch conservationists and nan section council 

The first level would person had a maestro chamber and maestro bathroom, dressing room, linen room pinch 2 impermanent bedrooms and a landing connected nan 2nd floor

As good plans for an extended renovation, nan songstress wants to chop down an ornamental maple and a weeping willow character and transportation retired repairs to a accepted bound wall

As good arsenic her different plans, she besides wanted to demolish a rear hold and build a caller 1 to create a family room pinch a greenish tile - which planners astatine nan section assembly and conservationists opposed. 

As good plans for an extended renovation, nan songstress wanted to chop down an ornamental maple and a weeping willow character and transportation retired repairs to a accepted bound wall astatine nan three-storey pad. 

Under nan erstwhile proposals, Dua's new-look location would've boast a crushed level entranceway hall, eating room, drafting room, pantry, library, powder room and plot room. 

The first level would person had a maestro chamber and maestro bathroom, dressing room, linen room pinch 2 impermanent bedrooms and a landing connected nan 2nd floor.

Exterior useful included a caller chimney stack from nan roofline upwards, replacement formed robust railings and caller timber-framed windows to switch UPVC ones.

She was besides readying a plot makeover 'in nan romanticist Arts & Crafts tradition' pinch a caller lawn, beforehand terrace, planted courtyard, sunken terrace, pavilion garden, room terrace, sunny terrace and trellis.

There would've besides beryllium a caller stepped way connecting nan beforehand and rear garden, a pleached hornbeam hedge against nan bound wall to create a sheltered soul courtyard area and new automated sliding gates astatine nan entrance. 

Dua applied for readying support for nan projected useful because nan spot lies successful a designated conservation area but a section neighbourhood forum objected to nan application.

In a missive to nan council, caput Nancy Mayo wrote successful December 2021: 'The forum notes that nan pre-application proposal received is that nan existing rear hold should not beryllium demolished arsenic it positively contributes to nan characteristic and quality of nan big dwelling.

'Boundary walls constructed from lava bricks (also known arsenic clinker bricks) are a very important characteristic of nan Conservation Area. The ivy-clad lava ceramic bound walls are notable features of nan streetscapes.

'The Forum objects to nan felling of nan willow character and nan re-building, aliases immoderate imaginable harm, to nan bound walls.

Dua has antecedently shared glimpses of her multi-million lb location including a sneak peek of her chamber and roll-top bath 

The vocalist posed for a threat successful what appeared to beryllium her surviving room pinch schematic neon lighting artwork and a woody mirror 

'The Forum notes that this tract is very adjacent to nan underground bound watercourse and nan outpouring statement and that nan willow character whitethorn person been planted to reside what could person been a soggy garden. A earthy wildlife pond would truthful beryllium wholly due successful specified a location.

'Since nan exertion does not look to beryllium compliant pinch each of nan applicable Neighbourhood Plan policies, nan Forum truthful wishes to entity to nan application.'

In its pre-application advice, Camden Council added: 'Officers see that nan replacement of nan rear hold and infill of nan existing broadside setback, pinch a larger and modern extension, would harm nan integrity of nan building and its publication to nan conservation area.

'Officers would powerfully defy nan demolition of nan existing rear hold arsenic it positively contributes to nan characteristic and quality of nan big dwelling owed to its cautiously considered creation and usage of materials.' 

In a creation statement, her readying supplier said: 'The situation presented by our customer was to summation nan level area [of nan house] successful a akin measurement arsenic different properties successful nan area, while preserving and respecting nan qualities of nan original location and its important beingness connected a area wrong nan conservation area.

'The replacement hold is to let amended relationship from nan family room to plot and has been cautiously designed to forestall issues of privateness arising.

'It is of a akin size and standard to nan existing being removed and remains subservient to nan existing house. The location is nan main event, location is nary volition to compete for nan viewer's attraction pinch a engaged aliases expansive solution.

'The caller little plot will beryllium accessed from caller workplace workspaces successful nan basement to let activity activity to beryllium abstracted from nan remainder of nan house. The bound retaining wall connected nan westbound broadside is to beryllium re-faced pinch reddish ceramic which is much successful characteristic pinch nan conservation area than nan existing yellowish brick.

'The owners activity not only to create nan location wrong nan law, but to amended and heighten nan property, pinch delicate creation interventions that are successful keeping pinch nan area, to amended its biology capacity and to unafraid nan early wellbeing of nan house.'

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