Damien Hirst, 58, is seen for the first time since welcoming his newborn son with fiancée Sophie Cannell, 30, as the family enjoy lunch at Scott's in Mayfair

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Damien Hirst and his fiancée Sophie Cannell were seen for nan first clip retired and astir pinch their newborn babe connected Monday. 

The mates appeared to beryllium joined by friends arsenic they enjoyed an day astatine their favourite edifice Scott's successful Mayfair. 

The British artist, 58, and nan ballerina, 30, announced nan presence of their first boy together past month. 

It is Damien's 4th boy arsenic he already shares 3 boys  aged 28, 23 and 18 pinch his erstwhile partner Maia Norman.

The baby, whose sanction has yet to beryllium announced, was seen being pushed successful a gem encrusted pram designed by Damien himself and said to beryllium worthy £50,000. 

Damien Hirst, 58, was seen for nan first clip connected Monday since welcoming his newborn boy pinch fiancée Sophie Cannell, 30, arsenic nan family bask luncheon astatine Scott's successful Mayfair London

The British artist was seen pinch a napkin complete his caput to protect himself from nan sun

The eye-catching stroller was adorned successful multi-coloured butterflies arsenic they parked it adjacent to nan table. 

Sophie was seen cradling nan newborn successful her arms aft becoming a mother for nan first clip past month. 

The caller mother kept it casual successful a baggy grey T-shirt, grey jogging bottoms and trainers arsenic she cradled her son. 

Meanwhile Damien kept it elemental successful a achromatic T-shirt and overgarment arsenic he enjoyed nan family outing. 

He completed nan look pinch immoderate sunglasses and was seen pinch a napkin complete his caput to protect himself from nan sun. 

The mates were besides joined by their canine who they were previously seen pushing astir London successful a pram up of their son's birth. 

Last period Damien took to Instagram to denote nan commencement arsenic he shared a image of himself holding nan babe while a snooker lucifer played connected a telephone beside him. 

The mates were joined by friends arsenic they enjoyed an day astatine their favourite edifice Scott's successful Mayfair

Last period Damien took to Instagram to denote nan commencement arsenic he shared a image of himself holding nan babe while a snooker lucifer played connected a telephone beside him 

He besides posted a threat of Sophie cuddling nan babe while they some appeared to sleep 

The British creator and nan ballerina announced nan presence of their first boy together past month

Sophie was seen cradling nan newborn successful her arms aft becoming a mother for nan first clip past month

The mates were besides joined by their beloved canine who they person antecedently been seen pushing astir successful a pram 

She cradled her boy complete her enarthrosis arsenic she soothed him astatine nan table 

The baby, whose sanction has yet to beryllium announced, was seen being pushed successful a gem encrusted pram designed by Damien himself and said to beryllium worthy £50,000

The eye-catching stroller was adorned successful multi-coloured butterflies arsenic they parked it adjacent to nan table

He besides posted a threat of Sophie cuddling nan babe while they some appeared to sleep.

'Trying not to fto nan presence of this beautiful babe boy interfere pinch nan snooker,' Damien joked.

Sharing different image of their boy connected Instagram, Sophie said: 'Welcome to nan World OUR BOY.'

Sophie revealed her gestation successful November successful an Instagram station wherever she bared her bump to nan world arsenic she lounged by an indoor pool.

She confirmed nan gender of nan babe pinch a caption: 'He's a h2o boy' and Damien shared NFT artwork of gestation emojis he created successful support.

To observe her gestation and Sophie's 30th day successful February, Damien picked up an bonzer barroom which characterised his shocking creation style.

The immense barroom was successful nan style of Sophie's womb and was complete pinch a very lifelike babe coiled up inside.

The pair's friends pushed nan pram arsenic they near nan restaurant 

Damien kept it elemental successful a achromatic T-shirt and overgarment arsenic he enjoyed nan family outing

Their pet chihuahua looked to happy pinch nan caller summation to nan family 

Damien completed his look pinch immoderate ample acheronian sunglasses 

It is Damien's 4th boy arsenic he already shares 3 boys aged 28, 23 and 18 pinch his erstwhile partner Maia Norman 

Sophie revealed her gestation successful November successful an Instagram station wherever she bared her bump to nan world arsenic she lounged by an indoor pool

Damien was seen pinch is canine successful his arms arsenic their friend doted complete nan newborn 

It looked arsenic though nan brace had brought a abstracted pram for their canine arsenic well

Damien and Sophie person been together since 2018. They were rumoured to beryllium engaged successful 2021 erstwhile Sophie snapped a immense gem connected her ringing digit but neither person confirmed this to date

It appeared to person been inspired by his bid of elephantine bronze sculptures showing nan improvement of nan foetus successful nan womb, called The Miraculous Journey.

Damien and Sophie person been together since 2018.

They were rumoured to beryllium engaged successful 2021 erstwhile Sophie snapped a immense gem connected her ringing digit but neither person confirmed this to date.

When nan couple's romance first came to light, a friend adjacent to nan duo told Richard Eden astatine nan Mail On Sunday that Damien is 'besotted' pinch Sophie.

It was antecedently reported that Damien met nan dancer astatine nan swanky Chiltern Firehouse, wherever she utilized to activity arsenic a waitress.

Sophie made judge to still salary her four-legged babe attention 

Despite nan sunny weather, Damien besides threw connected a achromatic beanie hat 

The group frequented their accustomed extracurricular table 

When nan couple's romance first came to light, a friend adjacent to nan duo told Richard Eden astatine nan Mail On Sunday that Damien is 'besotted' pinch Sophie

They looked to person adapted to family life arsenic a threesome 

He besides paid tribute to her successful 2022 by creating a Medusa sculpture modelled connected her body arsenic portion of 4 pieces for nan London edifice Bacchanalia.  

While nan mates person been together for 4 years, Damien has 3 sons pinch his erstwhile semipermanent woman Maia Norman.

The erstwhile mates are parents to Connor Ojala, 28, Cassius Atticus, 23, and Cyrus Joe, 18.

Although he ne'er joined Maia, he referred to her arsenic his 'common-law wife'. 

Sophie revealed her gestation successful November successful an Instagram station wherever she bared her bump to nan world arsenic she lounged by an indoor pool

To observe her gestation and Sophie's 30th day successful February, Damien picked up an bonzer barroom which characterised his shocking creation style 

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