Could you endure 40 jabs of 'injectable moisturiser' at a cost of £850 to smooth out wrinkly mummy tum?

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A 'transformative' injectable moisturiser which smooths wrinkles connected nan stomach, arms and bust is being offered astatine UK cosmetic clinics.

The innovative process involves up to 40 jabs of diluted hyaluronic acerb – a earthy constituent utilized successful skincare products arsenic good arsenic articulator and feature fillers – which rejuvenates nan skin.

Women study that nan £850 treatment, Profhilo Body, gives singular results, erasing good lines and sagging caused by ageing, sunbathing, weight loss and pregnancy.

Conventional injectable fillers soft tegument by adding measurement pinch substances specified arsenic hyaluronic acerb and different gels, but tin beryllium lumpy if not utilized correctly. 

But this latest method alternatively stimulates nan skin's ain renewal processes, surgeons claim, prompting nan merchandise of collagen proteins which people springiness tegument its elasticity.

Profhilo Body, a 'transformative' injectable moisturiser which smooths wrinkles connected nan stomach, arms and bust, is being offered astatine UK cosmetic clinics

This intends it is not instant. Multiple injections – up to 40 to correct sagging connected nan stomach, experts opportunity – tin time off nan tegument red, bumpy aliases swollen for a mates of days, while nan afloat results will not beryllium seen for weeks.

The curen was launched successful nan UK by Dr Preema Vig astatine her session successful London's Mayfair.

The erstwhile GP says: 'Other types of filler are designed to beryllium shaped and moulded and enactment wherever they are.

'But Profhilo Body is formulated truthful that nan hyaluronic acerb dissipates rather quickly into nan insubstantial – wrong a fewer days.

Women study that nan £850 curen gives singular results, erasing good lines and sagging caused by ageing, sunbathing, weight nonaccomplishment and pregnancy. Pictured: Before treatment

This latest method stimulates nan skin's ain renewal processes, surgeons claim, prompting nan merchandise of collagen proteins which people springiness tegument its elasticity. Pictured: After treatment

 'Over nan adjacent month, location is simply a cascade of events stimulating collagen, which is what tightens nan tegument and makes it brighter.'

Hyaluronic acerb occurs people successful nan skin, eyes and nan fluids which lubricate nan joints. 

As a chemic it is classed arsenic a humectant – a constituent that retains moisture – which intends it is commonly utilized successful skincare. 

As tegument ages, cells nutrient little of nan acerb and existing levels commencement to drop. 

This causes visible signs of ageing specified arsenic good lines, wrinkles and a nonaccomplishment of measurement and elasticity. 

Hormonal changes, excessive vulnerability to UV rays, smoking and accent tin besides lend to nan skin's ageing process.

Profhilo Body is typically administered complete 2 sessions, 4 weeks apart.

The number of injections a diligent will request depends connected nan looseness of their tegument and nan size of nan area being treated.

The precocious aliases soul arms, for example, mightiness require up to 20 injections astatine each convention for maximum benefit.

Dr Vig warns that location are limits to what nan process tin achieve. For example, it cannot thief patients who are near pinch ample amounts of excess tegument aft important weight loss, who would use much from tummy-tuck surgery.

However, she says: 'It's a awesome curen and nan mostly of group will person important betterment successful that area and successful collagen stimulation. Patients opportunity it's transformative.'

One diligent who benefited is Katy Buckley, 52, who had nan curen to reside saggy tegument connected her stomach. 

The life coach from London says nan rumor had go worse arsenic she aged.

'I was really unhappy pinch really my tummy looked,' she says. 'I didn't person saggy tegument anyplace other connected my body, but looking astatine my tummy made maine consciousness unhappy. 

'I mislaid a batch of my assurance and felt uncomfortable wearing apparel wherever my tummy mightiness beryllium seen.'

In 2021, Katy received 10 Profhilo injections successful her stomach. She says nan injections did not wounded and she didn't acquisition immoderate broadside effects. 

Within a month, galore of nan wrinkles had disappeared.

'I consciousness overmuch happier now,' she says. 'It's really noticeable really nan lines and wrinkles person faded.'

Lucy Mathias, a mother-of-two from Chigwell, Essex, had nan curen to reside 'crepey' tegument connected her neckline aft she turned 40. 

'It really made a difference,' she says. 'All women announcement it aft you move 40 – your tegument changes.

'I was starting to consciousness a spot self-conscious and felt my tegument needed a spot of a pine up.

'The curen did what I wanted it to do – it made my tegument consciousness tighter, hydrated and glowing, for illustration it was 10 years younger.'

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