Coleen and cancer-stricken Linda take to the stage to reunite with their famous siblings for a Nolan Sisters reunion at Maureen's 70th birthday

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Coleen and Linda Nolan proved they were successful nan temper for dancing erstwhile they reunited pinch their sisters for a unrecorded capacity astatine sister Maureen's 70th birthday.

Loose Women favourite Coleen, 59, and Linda, 65, were joined by sisters Anne, 73, Denise, 72, and of people Maureen for a legendary statement astatine a hotel connected Blackpool’s promenade.

Bringing backmost a nostalgic vibe of their popular group, The Nolans, nan ladies group said to person had 'a ball' during nan ceremony and astatine 1am were still dancing and singing for nan audience.

Proving they still sewage it, they were captured successful a slew of memorable clips and pictures arsenic they danced successful beforehand of a mini stage, pinch a DJ accompanying them and strobe lights.

The sisters each rocked different dazzling looks for nan typical nighttime arsenic Linda - who has incurable cancer - opted for a chic full achromatic ensemble pinch smart trousers and blazer, successful cleanable opposition pinch Maureen who went for a sparkling all-white.

Coleen, (far right) and Linda Nolan, (second from right), reunited pinch their different sisters, (L-R) Anne, Denise and Maureen, during a capacity for Maureen's 70th day statement connected Instagram this week

Loose Women favourite Coleen, 59 (right) and Linda, 65, were joined by sisters Anne, 73 (left), Denise, 72, and of people Maureen (middle) for a legendary statement astatine a edifice connected Blackpool’s promenade 

In March, Linda revealed her latest crab scan has shown 'no progression successful nan disease' aft learning her tumours had shrunk.

She was first diagnosed pinch stage-three bosom crab successful 2005 earlier getting nan all-clear successful 2006, but nan illness sadly returned successful 2017 and dispersed to her liver and brain, but she has been putting a brave look connected things.

Her sister Coleen looked chic successful a sparkling sequinned apical pinch short sleeves, skinny denim and achromatic heels.

Denise mirrored Maureen successful an elegant achromatic outfit adding a shawl, while Anne looked glamorous successful a purple sequinned co-ord pinch blazer and flared trousers.

The sisters each took to Instagram to archive nan epic day and of course, their unmissable performance.

Maureen candidly admitted she was 'overwhelmed astatine nan emotion successful nan room' arsenic she gushed complete nan unthinkable nighttime and institution of her beloved ones.

Taking to Instagram, she shared a gorgeous changeable of her opinionated adjacent to a immense 70 number beaming and wrote: 'Completely overwhelmed past nighttime astatine my 70th party, astatine nan emotion successful nan room , convey you each for your fabulous presents , I person nan champion family and friends successful nan World.

'Special mention to my sister Denise who organised it each , while I was successful America, you are wholly awesome Denise, and I couldn’t person wished for a amended night.

'Thank you besides to Linda who continues to beryllium nan biggest inspiration successful my life, who besides helped pinch organisation, acknowledgment truthful overmuch Lin, besides acknowledgment to Ads ( Nolan) for spending days and days getting nan photograph book and video together I LOVED IT.

'We each danced till we dropped, and Shane , you ne'er cease to amaze pinch your talent.

Bringing backmost a nostalgic vibe of The Nolans, nan ladies group said to person had 'a ball' during nan ceremony and astatine 1am were still dancing and singing for nan audience

Proving they still sewage it, they were captured successful a slew of memorable clips and pictures arsenic they danced successful beforehand of a mini stage, pinch a DJ accompanying them and strobe lights

The sisters each rocked different dazzling looks for nan typical nighttime arsenic Linda opted for a chic full achromatic ensemble pinch smart trousers and blazer, successful cleanable opposition pinch Maureen who went for a sparkling all-white

Proving they still sewage it, they were captured successful a slew of memorable clips and pictures arsenic they danced successful beforehand of a mini stage, pinch a DJ accompanying them and strobe lights

Maureen candidly admitted she was 'overwhelmed astatine nan emotion successful nan room' arsenic she gushed complete nan unthinkable nighttime and institution of her beloved ones

Linda besides captured a saccharine infinitesimal erstwhile Maureen blew her candles

She vanished emotionally: 'THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, you are each very typical group successful my life, and I emotion you each ❤️❤️❤️❤️.'

Coleen besides raced to stock immoderate singular bits connected her Instagram page.

One clip showed them dancing and singing and nan Loose Women prima is seen doing a small twirl arsenic she captioned: 'Sometimes you can’t thief yourself! Having a shot pinch nan family astatine @maureennolanofficial 70th day statement coming xx.'

Celeb pal and chap Loose Women prima Ruth Langsford shouted successful nan comments: 'Go girls!!!'

And location was much to it, arsenic Coleen shared different clip of nan sisters performing penning cheekily: 'What happens astatine a Nolan statement astatine 1am?,' proving they've had rather 1 hellhole of a night.

Linda gushed astir nan nosy nighttime excessively arsenic she shared a group image pinch her sisters hugging and much shots of them dancing.

She besides captured a saccharine infinitesimal erstwhile Maureen blew her candles, and captioned nan carousel: 'What a night, celebrating @maureennolanofficial’s 70th! Danced, sang, laughed, caught up pinch group I haven’t seen successful ages.

'Thankfully my caput isn’t suffering today, dissimilar nan others I was smart.'

It's been a reliable clip for nan family. Their begetter Tommy Nolan Sr, died of liver crab successful 1998. 

Bernadette, known arsenic Bernie, besides mislaid her life to nan disease, Linda is terminally sick while Anne and Coleen person some faced nan illness twice.

Anglo-Irish woman group The Nolans were formed successful Blackpool successful 1974 arsenic nan Nolan Sisters, earlier changing their sanction successful 1980 (pictured successful 1977)

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