CNN unveils Trump v. Biden debate rules... and one regulation appears to target the ex-president

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  • CNN reveals caller specifications connected nan rules for nan the statesmanlike statement connected June 27 
  • READ MORE:  How Biden plans to onslaught Trump astatine nan first statement successful Atlanta

By Sarah Ewall-Wice, Senior U.S. Political Reporter

Published: 13:36 EDT, 16 June 2024 | Updated: 13:46 EDT, 16 June 2024

The big of nan first statesmanlike statement of 2024 general election play has released caller specifications connected nan rules for what could beryllium nan astir consequential governmental arena of nan twelvemonth pinch little than 2 weeks to spell earlier nan large showdown. 

President Joe Biden and erstwhile President Donald Trump will face-off for nan first clip since 2020 successful Atlanta connected June 27. 

According to nan network, some candidates agreed to look astatine a azygous podium. Their positions astatine nan podium will beryllium wished by a coin flip. 

In a caller move since nan brace came face-to-face during nan past statesmanlike election, microphones will beryllium muted passim nan statement isolated from erstwhile it is simply a candidate's move to speak. 

Additionally, nary props aliases pre-written notes will beryllium allowed connected nan stage, but candidates will beryllium fixed a pen, pad of insubstantial and vessel of water.   

The determination to shut up mics comes aft nan statesmanlike debates successful 2020 went disconnected nan tracks astatine times pinch Trump speaking complete Biden to nan constituent wherever moderates successful nan past had to measurement successful to small avail. 

CNN releases specifications connected rules for its statement successful Atlanta connected June 27 including muting mics erstwhile it is not a candidate's move to speak and not allowing props

The statement successful nan battleground authorities is nan first of 2 statesmanlike debates that will beryllium held earlier nan November election. 

The 90-minute statement successful Atlanta will see 2 commercialized breaks during which Biden and Trump will not beryllium capable to interact pinch their staff. 

CNN previously revealed it would beryllium moderated by anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. 

The 2 seasoned anchors will will person their occupation trim retired for them arsenic they effort to support nan dispute candidates connected way arsenic Trump and Biden person some lashed retired up of nan overmuch anticipated event. 

Donald Trump and Joe Biden astatine their 2nd statement connected October 22, 2020 successful Nashville, TN

According to CNN, Tapper and Bash will besides 'use al devices astatine their disposal to enforce timing and guarantee a civilized discussion.' 

 How successful those efforts will beryllium remains to beryllium seen. 

Trump and Biden person been lobbing changeless and sometimes highly attacks connected 1 different since nan very commencement of nan run season. 

The ex-president has a wont of mocking Biden during his run rallies and pretending to beryllium confused while mimicking nan president while astatine nan podium. He has demanded supplier tests earlier nan debate. 

Biden has besides taken purpose astatine Trump complete his criminal conviction, criminal charges and for nan onslaught connected nan U.S. Capitol. 

Trump had been putting a statement podium connected shape astatine his rallies for Biden and his run had been printing retired a bid of Truth Social posts challenging Biden to statement earlier Biden released his ain video

Biden released a video announcing he would statement Trump. He said 'make my time pal, I'll moreover do it twice' and challenging nan ex-president 'let's prime nan dates, Donald'

While Biden and Trump are presumptive statement statesmanlike nominees, it does not look that 3rd statement candidates will suffice for nan statement stage. 

To meet CNN's qualifications, candidates must look connected a basal number of authorities ballots to scope nan 270 electoral ballot period to triumph nan presidency and person astatine slightest 15 percent successful 4 abstracted nationalist polls pinch standards outlined by nan network. 

 The move would look to time off Independent campaigner Robert Kennedy Jr. disconnected nan shape connected June 27. 

While Kennedy is moving to get connected nan ballot successful each 50 states, he has only officially gotten connected nan ballot successful conscionable complete a fistful of states to day but claims it has collected capable signatures to get connected nan ballot successful more. 

He besides appears to beryllium conscionable awkward of nan basal polling requirement. 

Based connected nan outlined requirements, it does not look Independent campaigner Robert Kennedy Jr. will make nan statement shape connected June 27

Trump and Biden person been touting nan overmuch anticipated arena during appearances and their campaigns person been gunning for nan showdown. 

Biden's squad has said nan president is fresh to take his predecessor to task on nan issues including abortion authorities which has been galvanizing for Democrats arsenic good arsenic item Trump's agenda. 

Trump's run has regularly shrugged disconnected questions astir statement prep and aides person pointed to his regular appearances for much than an hr astatine a clip speaking astatine rallies. 

As for his part, Trump has regularly brought up nan looming statement while bashing CNN earlier his loyal supporters. He has raised questions complete whether nan statement will beryllium fair.

While his attacks connected nan statement big and his force whitethorn thief Trump decry nan result earlier it moreover takes place, immoderate of his GOP supporters person raised concerns that Trump's attacks connected Biden's capacity could group nan barroom excessively debased for nan president erstwhile he shows up successful Atlanta. 

Both nan Biden and Trump campaigns agreed to nan CNN statement past month. ABC News will big nan different statesmanlike statement successful September. 

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