California ex deputy, 59, goes missing while hiking in Greece as another American tourist is found dead on the beach after vanishing last week

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By Alice Wright For Dailymail.Com

Published: 00:46 EDT, 17 June 2024 | Updated: 00:46 EDT, 17 June 2024

A retired California sheriff's lawman went missing while hiking successful Greece during a heatwave earlier this week. 

Albert Calibet, 59, was hiking on the 47-square-mile land of Amorgos connected Tuesday erstwhile he grounded to return. 

The retired Los Angeles County sheriff's lawman said to his girlfriend Debbie Leshane earlier nan hike and texted her a picture of nan trailhead astir 9:30am, but has not been successful interaction since, the San Francisco Gate reported.

Two hours later, footage showed Calibet leaving nan colony of Aegiali, wherever he picked up a soft portion and a vessel of water. 

A rescue cognition was launched connected Tuesday afternoon, and reinforcements were called successful from adjacent Naxos Island including enlisting a helicopter. 

Albert Calibet, 59, was hiking connected nan 47-square-mile land of Amorgos connected Tuesday

Calibet (right) said to his woman Debbie Leshane earlier nan hike but has not been successful interaction since

A hopeless hunt crossed nan land has been launched, including a chopper and section shepherds, successful hopes of locating nan 59-year-old 

Police person requested information from mobile operators to thief find Calibet's past known location, and nan hunt has moreover seen section shepherds subordinate successful nan efforts, ABC News reported. 

'We're sick to our stomachs, knowing he's retired location somewhere,' Leshane told ABC7. 

Popi Despotidi, Amorgos' lawman politician for tourism, said it is apt that Calibet sewage dizzy successful nan power and 'collapsed somewhere.' 

'It's overseas because he's not personification who was stepping this way for nan first time,' Despotidi told section media. 

Calibet is reportedly a regular sojourn to Amorgos, a rocky land of little than 2,000 inhabitants. 

'(He) is well-known connected nan island,' Despotidi said. 'He has been visiting for respective years and has completed nan Aegiali-Ketapola hike respective times successful nan past.' 

Temperatures peaked astatine vulnerable levels crossed Greece connected Thursday, rising to almost 113 degrees. 

Footage captured Calibet stepping done a municipality connected nan time he disappeared, wherever he bought a soft portion and a vessel of h2o connected nan sweltering basking day 

Amorgos' lawman politician for tourism, said it is apt that Calibet sewage dizzy successful nan power and 'collapsed somewhere' 

Calibet is reportedly a regular sojourn to Amorgos, a rocky land of little than 2,000 inhabitants

Calibet's disappearance comes conscionable days after a missing US tourer was recovered dead on a rocky formation connected nan mini Greek land of Mathraki.

The unfortunate was reported missing connected Thursday by his host, a Greek-American friend. 

He was reportedly past seen Tuesday successful a section café successful nan institution of 2 women who person since near nan mini island.

Details astir nan man, including a sanction and hometown, were not instantly available.

Just last week, Dr. Michael Mosley, beloved British tv presenter and Daily Mail columnist, was recovered dormant connected nan land of Symi aft collapsing connected a hike.

His woman said he took nan incorrect way and collapsed conscionable earlier reaching a marina, successful a spot wherever his assemblage could not beryllium easy seen.

Dr Mosley, 67, was recovered dormant by a obstruction astatine nan edifice of Agia Marina connected Sunday greeting conscionable 260 feet from a formation barroom and safety.  

Temperatures astatine nan clip had been nudging 40C and nan excessive power is thought to person played a domiciled successful his death. 

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