Brawl breaks out at high school graduation ceremony for students on probation

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By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com

Published: 21:45 EDT, 16 June 2024 | Updated: 21:53 EDT, 16 June 2024

A precocious schoolhouse graduation for much than 100 Los Angeles County teenagers - including astir 30 who are connected probation - turned convulsive erstwhile a monolithic brawl collapsed out.

The melee unfolded connected Thursday astatine nan Walt Disney Concert Hall successful downtown Los Angeles, erstwhile authorities opportunity a organization personnel leaped complete a second-story pavilion to battle 1 of nan graduates.

'I had conscionable walked nan shape erstwhile suddenly, kids from an replacement acquisition schoolhouse and probation started fighting,' witnesser Brianna Valdez told Fox LA.

'Girls were fighting, guys were fighting. I was really scared,' she said. 'It's for illustration we're present for a happy moment, and it's ruined pinch pack activity.' 

The business escalated arsenic gunshots were reported extracurricular nan Concert Hall arsenic students and families near nan ceremonial astir 5pm. 

A monolithic brawl collapsed retired astatine a graduation ceremonial for much than 100 precocious schoolers erstwhile an unidentified individual jumped from a second-story pavilion to battle 1 of nan teens

'We were coming retired of nan ceremony, and location was a car connected nan different side,' Raul Valdez said

'We conscionable saw shooting and saw nan fume and everything, and everybody conscionable sewage down connected nan ground.'

Another witnesser said he saw personification propulsion his mother to nan crushed to screen her body, telling her, 'Mom, get down, they're shooting.' 

Javonte Jamison besides claimed he saw personification bleeding outside.

'He looked for illustration conscionable sewage done fighting and I could spot nan car pulling up, that they were astir to do thing for sure,' he said.

'You could spot nan weapon smoke, weapon shells hitting nan level and they they conscionable benignant of peeled out.'

Footage showed a number of students brawling astatine nan graduation ceremony, which included astir 30 students connected probation 

It remains unclear what started nan brawl, and if a shooting extracurricular was related

It remains unclear what nan motive was for nan monolithic brawl, and if nan shooting extracurricular nan Concert Hall was related.

But nan Los Angeles County Probation Department said each of its 29 graduates were already retired of nan auditorium by nan clip nan brawl started.

'All detained probation younker had already exited nan auditorium and were placed successful a unafraid holding area anterior to nan incident occurring,' nan section said successful a statement. 

'The Probation Special Enforcement Operations Unit quickly responded, containing nan incident and restoring bid wrong nan auditorium.'

No injuries were reported, and 4 group were detained pursuing nan altercation.

Their identities and nan charges against them person not been released. 

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