Blackadder was nearly axed after its first season because BBC didn't realise potential, says producer

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By Dolly Busby For The Daily Mail

Published: 17:13 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 17:27 EDT, 4 July 2024

Blackadder was astir cancelled aft its first play because nan BBC didn't realise its potential, it was claimed yesterday.

The show's shaper John Lloyd urged TV bosses to springiness much bid a 2nd chance, arguing imaginative programmes seldom 'get it correct first time'.

Mr Lloyd, who besides worked connected Spitting Image and Not The Nine O'Clock News, said broadcasters had go excessively acrophobic to opportunity 'have different go' – alternatively binning shows that aren't an contiguous hit.

Mr Lloyd, 72, revealed Blackadder's fund was trim 'to nan bones' to debar it being scrapped. 

The first bid won an international Emmy but nan 2nd was concisely cancelled by Michael Grade – past BBC One controller – who said it had not attracted capable home viewers.

Blackadder was astir cancelled aft its first play because nan BBC didn't realise its potential, a study has revealed

Blackadder's fund was 'cut to nan bone' pinch costly elements included castles, horses and guards removed. Pictured: Series 1 featuring Rowan Atkinson and Sir Tony Robinson

The show's shaper John Lloyd urged TV bosses to springiness nan show a 2nd chance

But nan BBC leader was convinced to springiness nan show a 2nd chance aft costs were stripped back. Mr Lloyd said much TV chiefs should let creators nan chance to make specified tweaks.

He said: 'Michael Grade was going done nan figures and said 'I've seen it, I cognize it won an Emmy and everything but I didn't deliberation it was very funny'. We were way, measurement complete budget. So he cancelled it.'

The squad past group astir removing costly elements of nan show – 'horses, guards, dogs, a immense castle – truthful everything was trim down to nan bones,' Mr Lloyd told nan Rob Brydon podcast.

'I wish I could seduce broadcasters to do what they utilized to do and springiness you different go.

The first bid won an world Emmy grant but nan 2nd was concisely cancelled by past BBC controller Michael Grade

'That's nan point astir productivity – you're very improbable to get it correct nan first time. But [executives] would look and spell 'you cognize what, nan casting is incorrect aliases you request much music' aliases whatever, and opportunity 'go on, person different go' and you'd study from your mistakes.

'The 2nd bid of Blackadder is amended than nan first, nan aforesaid for Spitting Image, and surely Not The Nine O'Clock News,' Mr Lloyd said.

Blackadder, wide regarded arsenic 1 of nan top British TV shows, had 4 bid betwixt 1983 and 1989. It was revitalised successful nan 2nd bid erstwhile Ben Elton joined arsenic a script-writer, and made family names of its stars including Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry.

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