Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser

Trending 1 week ago

President Biden appeared to frost up connected shape and had to beryllium led disconnected by Barack Obama astatine nan conclusion of a star-studded run fundraiser successful Los Angeles Saturday night.

The awkward infinitesimal took spot aft Biden and his predecessor sat for a 45-minute question and reply pinch late-night big Jimmy Kimmel.

As nan men stood for applause, Biden’s regard seemed to go fixed connected nan crowd for a afloat 10 seconds until erstwhile President Barack Obama took his wrist and led him offstage.

That’s a wrap connected record-setting Democratic fundraiser for Joe Biden’s reelection run (netting $28M). Former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden connection last waves to Peacock Theater crowd arsenic Obama past grabs Biden’s manus to lead him offstage pursuing 40-minute…

— Chris Gardner (@chrissgardner) June 16, 2024
Biden and erstwhile President Barack Obama stock a laughter during a star-studded run fundraiser astatine nan Peacock Theater successful Los Angeles.Biden and erstwhile President Barack Obama stock a laughter during a star-studded run fundraiser astatine nan Peacock Theater successful Los Angeles. REUTERS

The incident follows a spate of caught-on-camera moments wherever Biden appeared pensive aliases confused astir wherever he was, including erstwhile he appeared to rotation disconnected astatine nan G7 acme successful Apulia, Italy, during parachute exhibition.

In that instance, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stepped successful to mildly return Biden’s manus and lead him backmost successful clip for a group photograph pinch different world leaders.

The Biden run raised much than $30 cardinal astatine nan event, which was attended by Hollywood luminaries for illustration George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand.

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