Barcelona 2-0 Lyon: Jonatan Giraldez's side clinch back-to-back Women's Champions League titles... as Aitana Bonmati and Alexia Putellas' strikes seal victory

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Beating Lyon successful a Champions League last had been astir nan only point this Barcelona squad had grounded to do.

The French broadside had been nan powerhouse of women’s shot betwixt 2011 and 2022 - winning a grounds 8 European trophies and doubly defeating Barca successful a last - 4-1 successful 2019 and 3-1 successful 2022.

The tide had been turning, pinch Barca thrashing Chelsea to declare a first triumph successful 2021, but that conclusion against Lyon successful 2022 showed they still had activity to do.

Even erstwhile they reclaimed their crown pinch a 3-2 triumph against Wolfsburg past season, to person existent power intends to triumph again and again and again.

So, it was fitting that Aitana Bonmati, nan world’s champion player, put Barca up earlier Alexia Putellas, nan erstwhile Ballon d’Or winner, sealed nan crippled successful added time.

Barcelona won their 2nd successive Women's Champions League title connected Saturday 

Goals from Aitana Bonmati (centre) and Alexia Putellas some scored to thief Barca seal nan win

Bonmati sewage nan opener successful nan 63rd minute, pinch her changeable deflecting off Vanessa Gilles into nan Lyon goal

The Catalans are now three-time European winners and person won a quadruple for nan first clip successful their history. They person 5 to spell to lucifer Lyon’s record, but this triumph astatine nan San Mames Stadium successful Bilbao felt for illustration a changing of nan defender moment.

Barca are nan champion squad successful nan world now - and it feels inevitable this will not beryllium nan past clip they are lifting this trophy. There is value each complete nan transportation and connected nan bench, pinch Putellas only coming connected successful stoppage clip earlier her goal.

For England prima Lucy Bronze, this is her 5th European trophy, pinch nan defender having won 3 pinch Lyon earlier back-to-back victories pinch Barca. It is besides a 2nd for her England team-mate Keira Walsh.

Of course, it was not nan ending Lyon leader Sonia Bompastor wanted. Though her exit is not yet confirmed, she is group to beryllium announced arsenic nan caller Chelsea head successful nan coming days. Her caller squad cognize each excessively good conscionable really difficult it is to hit this Barca side, pinch nan Blues having suffered a constrictive conclusion successful nan semi-finals.

But it is not conscionable connected nan transportation wherever Barca are superior. In nan stands they hugely outnumbered their rivals.

It is only a short formation from Barcelona to nan Basque region, but you would person been forgiven for reasoning this was a location crippled for nan Catalan side.

Putellas (left)scored successful nan 95th infinitesimal of nan game, pinch an fantabulous first-time finish

She wheeled distant to observe pinch nan Barcelona fans down nan extremity aft sealing nan win

Every area of nan San Mames was covered pinch Barca fans, pinch conscionable a fistful of French supporters dotted astir nan stadium.

Given nan chaos that presently surrounds Barca’s men’s team, it is possibly nary wonderment supporters recreation successful immense numbers to cheer connected their all-conquering women’s side.

Lyon did not look phased by nan dispute atmosphere, contempt their each touch being greeted by whistles. The French broadside astir opened nan scoring early successful nan first half erstwhile Wendie Renard deed nan station arsenic Barca lived precariously astatine nan back.

But nan Catalans grew into nan crippled and should astir apt person gone up earlier half-time. Caroline Graham Hansen regularly caused Lyon’s protect statement problems, while Vanessa Gilles had to make a superb artifact to contradict Mariona Caldentey.

Lyon remained vulnerable connected nan counter-attack but Barca continued to predominate possession and, conscionable past nan hr mark, yet opened nan scoring.

Match Facts

Barcelona (4-3-3): Coll; Rolfo (Batlle 67'), Engen, Paredes, Bronze; Guijarro, Walsh (Putellas 90+2'), Bonmati; Caldentey (Pina 90+2'), Paralluelo (Brugts 85'), Graham. 

Subs not used: Fernandez J, Fernandez M, Font, Leon, Lopez, Panos, Torrejon, Vilamala. 

Goals: Bonmati 63', Putellas 90+5'

Bookings: Putellas 

Manager: Giraldez J

Lyon (4-3-3): Endler; Carpenter, Renard, Gilles, Bacha; Horan, Egurrola Wienke, Van de Donk; Diani, Dumornay, Cascarino. 

Subs not used: Belhadj, Benkarth, Marozsan, Marques, Mbock, Morroni, Sombath. 

Bookings: Renard, Endler 

Manager: Bompastor S 

Referee: Rebecca Welch 

Attendance: 50,827 

There was heartache for Lyon, who had been nan powerhouse of women’s shot for truthful long

Lyon had not seemed phased by nan ambiance wrong nan San Mames Stadium, arsenic their players were whistled whenever they touched nan ball

There was a portion of luck arsenic Bonmati’s changeable deflected disconnected Gilles to sail complete nan caput of Christiane Endler, but nan beauty was successful nan build-up arsenic nan midfielder danced her measurement done Lyon’s defence earlier uncovering nan net.

Lyon had pushed difficult for an equaliser arsenic nan crippled came to a close, but it meant they near themselves susceptible to counter-attacks and, successful nan 5th infinitesimal of stoppage time, Putellas sealed Barca’s triumph pinch a awesome first-time decorativeness from conscionable wrong nan box.

There had been immoderate uncertainty complete nan early of Putellas earlier it was announced she had signed a caller statement past week. The guardant took her garment disconnected arsenic complete 90 percent of nan stadium erupted. It was undoubtedly nan cleanable measurement to celebrate. 

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