Audiences suspicious of AI being used to create news, survey shows

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News consumers astir opposed to usage of AI for delicate topics specified arsenic politics, study finds.

Published On 17 Jun 2024

Most news consumers successful nan United States and nan United Kingdom would beryllium uncomfortable pinch publicity produced chiefly by artificial intelligence (AI), a study has found.

Only 23 percent of respondents successful nan US and 10 percent successful nan UK would beryllium comfortable pinch AI-produced news, pinch consumers particularly suspicious of nan exertion being utilized for delicate topics specified arsenic authorities and crime, nan study by nan Reuters Institute for nan Study of Journalism showed connected Monday.

Just complete half of US respondents and 63 percent UK respondents said they would beryllium uncomfortable pinch AI-led news, respectively, pinch 18 percent answering they would beryllium neither comfortable nor uncomfortable.

Respondents were slightest resistant towards utilizing AI to make text-based content, illustrations and stylised graphics, and astir powerfully opposed to nan usage of AI for creating realistic-looking photographs and video.

“Our findings show audiences are astir unfastened to AI uses that are down nan scenes and areas wherever AI tin thief amended their experiences utilizing news, providing much personalised and accessible information,” nan institute said successful its yearly Digital News Report accompanying nan survey.

“They are little comfortable erstwhile it comes to public-facing content, delicate aliases important topics, and synthetic videos aliases images that whitethorn travel crossed arsenic real, and wherever nan consequences of correction are viewed arsenic astir consequential. Overall, location is statement that a quality should ever beryllium successful nan loop and complete automation should beryllium disconnected limits.”

The findings travel arsenic newsrooms astir nan world are adopting AI amid plunging revenues and dense occupation cuts.

Numerous news outlets globally person implemented AI devices for tasks ranging from investigation to transcribing interviews and contented creation.

News Corp Australia’s executive chair Michael Miller past twelvemonth revealed that nan media institution was producing astir 3,000 articles a week utilizing AI.

As it announced a 100 cardinal euro cost-cutting programme past year, German tabloid Bild warned unit that it expected to make further cuts owed to “the opportunities of artificial intelligence”.



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