Ashley Cain admits he is 'mentally, physically and emotionally battered' during gruelling Ultraman challenge as he opens up about his beautiful co-parenting relationship

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Ashley Cain has revealed that he is 'mentally, physically and emotionally battered' arsenic he takes connected nan last stint of his gruelling Ultraman challenge.

The erstwhile footballer, 33, exclusively told MailOnline that he doesn't really bask moving but is fuelled by nan heartbreak of losing his girl to cancer.

Azaylia, who he welcomed pinch his ex-partner Safiyya Vorajee, 36, tragically passed away from leukaemia successful April 2021.

Since her devastating death, he has devoted his days to taking connected near-impossible challenges and endured blood, sweat and tears to support his daughter's 'legacy alive'.

Ashley, who is besides the begetter to six-month-old Aliyas, admitted nan symptom of nan situation was nan 'least of his worries', but he has suffered immoderate terrible injuries.

Ashley Cain has revealed that he is 'mentally, physically and emotionally battered' arsenic he takes connected nan last stint of his gruelling Ultraman challenge

The erstwhile footballer, 33, exclusively told MailOnline that he doesn't really bask moving but is fuelled by nan heartbreak of losing his girl Azaylia  to cancer

He told MailOnline: 'I'm battered mentally, I'm battered physically and I'm battered emotionally. I deliberation nan beingness symptom is nan slightest of my worries because I deliberation mentally if you want it capable and it intends capable to you, you tin ever push done that and push past that.

'I've had aggregate tears now successful my muscles. I've tally nan past six marathons pinch accent fractures successful my shins.'

Just days ago, Ashley revealed nan beingness agony successful an Instagram station which featured a video showing his foot, bloodied and bandaged, pinch 1 of his toenails peeling off.

He has taken connected much than conscionable beingness dangers, arsenic he besides revealed immoderate of nan peril conditions that he has survived.

Ashley confessed that 1 clip retired astatine oversea he realised he was surrounded by 'hundreds of thousands' of jellyfish and erstwhile he paddles up to Scotland he will look nan risks of Orcas and Killer Whales head-on.

The very existent dangers that he has encountered regular person meant that erstwhile experiences that would upset him, specified arsenic roadworthy rage and being trolled, now don't look worthy nan upset.

He said: 'It is not normal, but past I commencement to understand what's serious. So past erstwhile I get backmost and I mightiness spot a antagonistic comment, it conscionable really doesn't matter. 

'I conscionable deliberation that personification who's commented astir apt hasn't sewage retired of furniture that day. They are astir apt sitting successful their location really unhappy and what they person to opportunity has nary effect connected my life whatsoever. 

Ashley, who is besides nan begetter to six-month-old Aliyas, admitted nan symptom of nan situation was nan 'least of his worries', but he has suffered immoderate terrible injuries

Azaylia, who he welcomed pinch his ex-partner Safiyya Vorajee, 36, (pictured) tragically passed distant from leukaemia successful April 2021

Since her devastating death, he has devoted his days to taking connected near-impossible challenges and endured blood, sweat and tears to support his daughter's bequest alive

'But I tin make judge I person an effect connected my life and hundreds if not millions, of different people's lives connected a day-to-day ground by doing what I americium doing.'

But while nan erstwhile Coventry City subordinate pushes himself to nan limits, Ashley revealed that he doesn't really bask nan beingness facet of nan situation and has taken connected nan quest to support a affirmative mindset and enactment adjacent to Azaylia.

He told MailOnline: 'I don't bask running. I don't bask cycling. I don't bask being retired connected nan oversea each azygous day, but afterwards, I person ne'er felt better, and I will ever consciousness amended afterwards than earlier I started. And that's nan key.

'It is that delayed gratification and that is what we request sometimes successful life and being retired present and facing this for illustration I'm battling for my life each time successful nan sea, that's not safe, we are not paddling astir nan beach, we paddling retired location successful nan waters.

'We person seen dolphins, we person seen seals, we person seen sharks.'

Ashley opened up to MailOnline astir his 'beautiful' co-parenting narration pinch nan mother of his boy Aliyas.

He revealed that while he and Aliyas's mother, who has not been identified, are not together, they will enactment friends because they emotion and respect each other.

The begetter told MailOnline: 'We're keeping arsenic friends, and we are co-parenting. We person a very bully relationship, truthful that's really it is staying.

It's been beautiful, really to beryllium capable to get on, not amicably, but truthful well, moreover better, we some person Aliyas's champion interests successful heart.

'We some person emotion and respect for each other. And we some conscionable want to beryllium nan champion parents we can. And not only bask our son, but fto america and bask nan astir of america and nan astir of life.

'So we're doing everything. It's very comfortable. It's very easy. And we make nan champion decisions based connected our son, truthful great.'

But while nan erstwhile Coventry City subordinate pushes himself to nan limits, Ashley revealed that he doesn't really bask nan beingness facet of nan situation and has taken connected nan quest to support a affirmative mindset and enactment adjacent to Azaylia

Ashley is being supported connected nan sidelines by his boy Aliyas and he opened up to MailOnline astir his 'beautiful' co-parenting relationship

He revealed that while he and Aliyas's mother, who has not been identified, are not together, they will enactment friends because they emotion and respect each other

The brace person been friends since they were 18 and person reportedly dated connected and disconnected complete nan years.

Ashley has raised complete £100,000 for nan kindness group up successful his daughter's representation done his 2,780-mile Ultraman Challenge, which was started connected April 24 - nan day of Azaylia's passing - and will decorativeness connected July 25.

He is travelling from Land's End to John O'Groats 3 times, moving nan full region northbound earlier cycling backmost to nan bottommost of England and past kayaking backmost to nan apical of nan Scottish coast.

Ashley is taking connected nan world's first 95-day pursuit for The Azaylia Foundation, which raises captious costs for puerility cancer.

Ashley's eight-month-old girl Azaylia tragically passed away aft being diagnosed pinch an fierce shape of leukaemia soon aft she was born.

Since then, Ashley has campaigned tirelessly for nan thousands of children fighting crab each time successful nan UK and helped group up nan Foundation successful his daughter's name.

Ashley is nary alien to beingness challenges, and has tally respective marathons, ultramarathons, cycled nan magnitude of Britain, kayaked 1000 miles and climbed 1 of nan world's highest peaks successful Azaylia's memory, but nan Ultraman Challenge has been his biggest yet.

As good arsenic raising complete £106k for The Azaylia Foundation truthful far, Ashley is besides hoping to group a World Record and go nan first personification to complete a situation for illustration this.

Ashley said: 'I'm doing this for my daughter, Azaylia, and to conflict puerility cancer, nan illness that took her distant from me.

'It's 2,780 miles of beingness endurance and intelligence strength, but for maine it's astir turning nan symptom of losing my beautiful girl into a purpose, and I cognize that I'll person nan guidance and protection of my small hero, watching maine from supra each day.

'There are thousands of children for illustration Azaylia who are fighting crab each day. The symptom of losing her is thing compared to doing this situation and I will push myself arsenic difficult arsenic I tin to proceed nan conflict against this sadistic disease.

'Childhood crab is nan number 1 slayer of our children and I dream that pinch this challenge, we tin raise a batch much awareness, a batch much backing and alteration a brighter early for these children. Let's spell champ!'

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