Anthony Horowitz admits he refused to write his Bond novels for 'a modern audience' as he wades into contentious sensitivity row that saw Roald Dahl 's beloved books rewritten to 'remove' offensive language

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By Dolly Busby For The Daily Mail

Published: 17:48 EDT, 23 May 2024 | Updated: 17:49 EDT, 23 May 2024

Anthony Horowitz has waded successful connected nan sensitivity statement which saw Roald Dahl’s books rewritten to region ‘offensive’ connection and said he won’t person ‘people telling maine what I person to do’.

The 69-year-old best-selling British writer was asked by nan Ian Fleming property to constitute 3 continuation books of nan James Bond books With a Mind to Kill, Trigger Mortis and Forever and a Day.

But erstwhile asked really he changed his versions to suit a modern audience, nan Alex Rider novelist refuted nan mobility and said: ‘The first point I did not do was update it for a modern audience.’

He continued: ‘I group it successful nan 1950s arsenic I judge Bond only exists successful his world. I did not springiness successful to anything. He is still a womaniser, a smoker, and a killer.

‘There was thing to change, not moreover nan language, he utilized nan connection “bottom” a batch truthful I made judge I utilized it successful each book.

Anthony Horowitz has waded successful connected nan sensitivity statement which saw Roald Dahl ’s books rewritten to region ‘offensive’ connection and said he won’t person ‘people telling maine what I person to do’

Last twelvemonth Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s books were rewritten by sensitivity gurus to region connection they deemed violative pinch nan connection ‘fat’ removed from each book and nan Oompa Loompas were made gender neutral

‘I did not alteration him to lucifer people’s sensibilities.’

Last twelvemonth Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s books were rewritten by sensitivity gurus to region connection they deemed violative pinch nan connection ‘fat’ removed from each book and nan Oompa Loompas were made gender neutral.

Horowitz’s ain publishing company, Puffin, hired sensitivity readers to rewrite chunks of Dahl’s matter and made extended changes crossed nan Matilda author’s activity to make judge nan books could beryllium ‘continued to beryllium enjoyed by each today’.

Speaking astatine nan Hay Literature Festival connected Thursday, Horowitz waded successful connected nan arguable statement and said: ‘My position connected this is very simple, it’s that I wholly refute nan request for what I deliberation is simply a bad thought to ever effort to trim out.

‘Look, I don’t want to offend my readers, I’m not that stupid to constitute thing that’s going to offend a organization aliases an ethnicity.

‘But astatine nan aforesaid clip erstwhile you commencement chopping retired worldly that’s offensive, which they famously did pinch Roald Dahl books and they’re now doing it pinch nan Ian Flemming books present and there, I deliberation you are really shooting yourself successful nan foot.’

The James Bond writer Ian Flemming, who died successful 1964, and Agatha Christie, who died successful 1976 person some had their extended portfolio of activity edited by sensitivity readers.

Last year, Agatha Christie’s Poirot and Miss Marple execution mysteries group betwixt 1920 and 1976 to region perchance racist language.

Horowitz was asked by nan Ian Fleming property to constitute 3 continuation books of nan James Bond books With a Mind to Kill, Trigger Mortis and Forever and a Day

The edits trim references to ethnicity specified arsenic describing a characteristic arsenic black, Jewish aliases Gypsy and a judge’s ‘Indian temper’ aliases a woman’s torso arsenic ‘of achromatic marble’.

Terms specified arsenic ‘Oriental’ of nan N-word were removed and nan connection ‘natives’ was replaced pinch ‘local’.

The Magpie Murders writer continued: ‘When you publication an original Ian Flemming book, location are passages successful it that offend you but chopping it retired doesn’t make nan book better, each it does is it takes distant nan representation of really acold we person come.

‘Now present we are successful nan 21st period and we don’t opportunity things astir definite group - that’s gone and we should beryllium proud of nan advancement we’ve made and nan only measurement we'll cognize astir that is to support successful mind really we were 30 aliases forty years ago.

‘I americium pro including a divers formed of characters and including arsenic overmuch of nan world arsenic we tin into a azygous book but what I americium not pro is group telling maine that is what I person to do - location is simply a difference.’

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