Alleged El Salvador gang member charged in rape, killing of Maryland mom Rachel Morin crossed the border illegally at least three times in two months

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The suspected Salvadoran pack personnel accused of raping and sidesplitting a Maryland mom of 5 illegally snuck into nan US 3 times successful 2 months and was booted — earlier yet apparently eluding agents connected his 4th try.

Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, 23, illegally crossed nan confederate separator erstwhile adjacent El Paso, Texas, successful January 2023, a 2nd clip that aforesaid period successful New Mexico and a 3rd clip again successful New Mexico successful February 2023, Department of Homeland Security sources told The Post connected Monday.

Illegal migrant and suspected murderous pack personnel Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez was arrested successful Oklahoma connected a slay rap Friday night. Tulsa Police Department
A group of migrants waits for Border Patrol agents to transportation them for processing successful Sunland Park, NM. AFP via Getty Images

Martinez-Hernandez — who is said to beryllium tied to a pack successful El Salvador and suspected of sidesplitting mom Rachel Morin, 37, connected a Maryland hiking way — allegedly murdered different female successful nan Central American state earlier he entered nan US.

After each of his forbidden US crossings, nan fishy was nabbed by separator agents and kicked retired of nan country, according to scant records successful his case. There is nary accusation connected immoderate imaginable immigration-court lawsuit involving nan suspected double-murderer seeking asylum successful nan US.

DHS sources judge that Martinez-Hernandez whitethorn person gotten kicked backmost to Mexico pinch each crossing and past sewage complete nan separator a 4th clip arsenic a “gotaway” who evaded seizure to enactment successful nan US.

Martinez-Hernandez was already wanted for allegedly sidesplitting different female successful El Salvador. Harford County Sheriff's Office

Neither Immigration and Customs Enforcement nor DHS responded to The Post’s requests for remark Monday to explain really Martinez-Hernandez was capable to enactment successful nan US, wherever he is accused of past committing a slew of heinous crimes including Morin’s murder.

Martinez-Hernandez was successful nan US for six months earlier allegedly killing Morin successful August 2023 while she was stepping alone on nan Ma & Pa Heritage Trail successful Bel Air.

Rachel Morin was allegedly killed by nan fishy successful Maryland successful August. Facebook/Rachel Morin

The mom’s naked assemblage was recovered pinch signs of terrible trauma, pinch her family saying it appeared “her caput had been smashed successful pinch a rock.”

Police were capable to lucifer nan suspected killer’s DNA from nan segment to a sample recovered astatine a home penetration and battle of a young woman successful Los Angeles astir a period aft nan killing, and surveillance footage of nan fishy from nan location penetration was released to nan public.

A sketch of nan fishy was past released successful February, but it took cops 3 much months, till May, earlier they yet ID’d nan accused pack personnel arsenic nan fishy successful some crimes.

Martinez-Hernandez was nabbed aft illegally crossing nan US separator 3 times earlier apparently dodging authorities nan 4th time. Harford County Sheriff's Office

Martinez-Hernandez was yet tracked down to Tulsa, Okla., 2 weeks agone — and arrested conscionable earlier midnight Friday.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler emphasized during a property convention Saturday that Martinez-Hernandez “did not travel to this state to make a amended life for him aliases his family — he came present to flight nan crimes he committed successful El Salvador.

Migrants hold betwixt barbed ligament adjacent nan separator wall successful El Paso, Texas. Luis Torres/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“He came present to execution Rachel and God-willing, nary 1 else,” he added.

“But that should person ne'er been allowed to happen.”

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