Alisha Lehmann reveals her secret talent as she's quizzed on her 'best celebrity DM'

Trending 8 months ago

Aston Villa women's prima Alisha Lehmann has revealed what her concealed talent is aft being quizzed connected her manner and personality.

Lehmann - who has been dubbed 'the world's sexiest footballer - is nan astir followed women's subordinate pinch 16m Instagram subscribers, helping her go 1 of nan astir high-profile stars successful nan female game.

The 24-year-old shed immoderate ray connected her individual life, hobbies and passions during an question and reply pinch nan BBC wherever she revealed a hidden talent. 

When asked by nan interviewer to show her nan past statement she wrote connected her iPhone - earlier revealing that it was a rap she had written pinch a erstwhile Villa team-mate.

She was initially reluctant to stock what she had travel up pinch earlier she decided to singing 1 statement of nan rap - claiming it would soon beryllium released successful full.

Alisha Lehmann has revealed a concealed talent successful an question and reply discussing her manner and hobbies

The Aston Villa prima was besides quizzed complete who her 'best personage DM' connected societal media was 

'My past note? Me and Shania [Hayles] - she played pinch maine past play - we wrote a small rap song, but I can't show it,' she said. 'It's unreleased. You will perceive it erstwhile it's released.' 

She added: 'I person a necklace right? It [says] "AL",' earlier reference retired 1 line.

'"Strutting pinch my necklace on, its AL babe that's my name". Sick isn't it?' 

When asked if she was going to merchandise an album, she replied: 'No evidently [not] I'm a footballer!' 

The interviewer past challenged Lehmann to sanction her 'best personage DM' - resulting successful laughter from nan Swiss subordinate - earlier she yet refused to indulge. 

'Yeah obviously,' she said erstwhile asked if location was a 'whole list', earlier adding: 'I don't person a champion one. There's immoderate bully good ones but I can't show you. It's impossible. It's excessively backstage I think.'

The 24-year-old - who is nan astir followed female footballer connected societal media - said she had written a rap pinch a erstwhile Aston Villa team-mate

The Swiss prima refused to sanction her champion personage DM - aft antecedently claiming that superstar rapper asked her for a jersey

Lehmann was happy, however, to sanction nan astir celebrated personification that followed her - revealing it was a Brazilian fable who won nan 2002 World Cup.  

'Probably Ronaldo [Nazario] from Brazil. One of nan GOATs. But it's Instagram, it's not nan existent world.'

Lehmann's task into rapping comes aft she revealed superstar rapper Drake had reached retired to her asking for her jersey

Speaking connected nan DirTea Talk podcast, Lehmann revealed: 'That was only 3 days ago. Drake wrote to me! He asked maine for a jersey'.

And while she would not sanction immoderate different stars who had messaged her, she claimed revealed this period that an A-list personage erstwhile offered her £90,000 for a one-night guidelines - claiming it was a 'well-known international' star. 

'I was successful Miami, my favourite place, and I met immoderate friends astatine a club,' nan subordinate explained connected nan same podcast. 'I sewage a connection connected my mobile, which I didn't reply to, but nan aforesaid personification past messaged nan bodyguard looking aft me.'

The Aston Villa subordinate erstwhile claimed that a good known personage erstwhile offered her £90,000 to person a one-night guidelines pinch her

'The texts came from a very good known person. We had antecedently bumped into 1 different astatine an event.

'The connection said, "I will salary Alisha 100,000 Swiss francs (roughly $110,000) to walk a nighttime pinch her."'

Lehmann turned down nan offer, whilst questioning nan magnitude teasingly, prompting nan unnamed man to repeat-message her bodyguard.  

'But my reply was - nary way! And conscionable 100,000?,' Lehmann added. 'The crazy point is that I still person his connection connected my phone. It is simply a spot stupid.'

When asked to uncover a hint astir nan personality of nan man, she was tight-lipped, saying: 'I cannot uncover his name. But he is very, very good known connected an world level.'

The 42-cap world joined Villa successful 2021 and successful August extended her enactment successful nan Midlands until 2026, pinch nan action of a further year. 

This play she has made 3 appearances for Villa. Overall, she has played 57 times and scored 10 goals. 


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