Al Roker, 69, joins TikTok's latest viral boyfriend trend as he has 'staring contest' for an impressive 15 seconds

Trending 1 month ago

By Ashleigh Gray For Dailymail.Com

Published: 18:32 EDT, 24 May 2024 | Updated: 18:33 EDT, 24 May 2024

Al Roker is getting successful connected nan action by participating successful a viral TikTok trend this week.

The 69-year-old Today host and meteorologist appeared successful a clip shared connected nan show's Instagram relationship successful which he stared astatine nan camera for a whopping 15 seconds without moving.

The snippet began pinch an NBC worker asking nan camera, 'Hi guys, tin you watchfor a speedy second? I person to do something.'

As she stepped away, Roker froze, opinionated successful spot and staring into nan camera lens until his female workfellow returned and said, 'OK, thanks!' arsenic she grabbed nan phone.

The lighthearted caption read: 'Have you ever had a staring title pinchRoker? Because now you have.' 

Al Roker participated successful a viral TikTok inclination this week. The Today host, 69, shared a clip connected nan show's Instagram relationship successful which he stared astatine nan camera for a 15 seconds without moving

The celebrated net inclination started successful April erstwhile a societal media personification asked nan net to watch her fellow 'for a speedy second.'

It's picked up steam arsenic a big of boyfriends amusingly reacted to being watched for an extended period.

On Friday, Al, a New York City native, utilized his Instagram level to interact pinch his astir 1 cardinal followers up of nan weekend.

The longtime media pro recorded himself powerfulness stepping connected a treadmill arsenic he articulator synched to Todd Rundgren's 1982 azygous Bang The Drum All Day.

He wore a grey T-shirt and heavy tortoiseshell eyeglasses arsenic he worked up a sweat.

'Here we go. Long weekend. First unofficial play of nan summer,' he said astatine nan commencement of nan clip.

'Let's get it done, Start Today family,' he encouraged arsenic he tagged Today's wellness and wellness subset.

'Get immoderate steps successful in betwixt nan barbecues and celebrations and remembering those who gave their lives truthful that we could person these freedoms,' he advised. 'Let's walk, baby!'

The snippet began pinch an NBC worker asking nan camera, 'Hi guys, tin you watchfor a speedy second? I person to do something,' earlier stepping distant and leavingstaring astatine nan camera 

On Friday,recorded himself powerfulness stepping connected a treadmill arsenic he articulator synched to Todd Rundgren's 1982 azygous Bang The Drum All Day

'Get immoderate steps successful in betwixt nan barbecues and celebrations and remembering those who gave their lives truthful that we could person these freedoms,' he urged his followers; pictured pinch woman Deborah Roberts connected April 24 successful Washington, DC

In his caption, he wrote, 'First unofficial play of #summer. C'mon @starttoday_ family. 

'Let's locomotion our measurement done nan play and while walking, retrieve nan sacrifices fixed by nan men and women of our subject who mislaid their lives and nan families near behind.'

Roker his dada to 3 kids — girl Courtney, 37, who he shares pinch ex-wife Alice Bell and daughter Leila, 25, and boy Nick, 21, who he shares pinch existent woman Deborah Roberts.

He and Roberts person been joined since 1995. 

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