A Place In The Sun's Laura Hamilton flaunts her jaw-dropping figure in a skimpy blue bikini while filming the property show in Malta

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A Place In nan Sun's Laura Hamilton flaunted her jaw-dropping fig arsenic she deed nan formation while filming nan Channel 4 property show successful Malta connected Monday.

The TV presenter, 42, slipped into a skimpy bluish bikini and showcased her eye-popping abs arsenic she posed for a sizzling Instagram threat to people her first time successful beforehand of nan camera . 

Laura looked thing short of unthinkable successful nan mini 2 portion pinch her hairsbreadth bedewed from nan oversea and eyes shielded from nan sun pinch shades. 

She captioned nan post:  'And ACTION… our opening portion to camera connected Mellieha beach… 1 of nan fewer sandy beaches successful Malta!'.

Laura past put connected a very leggy show arsenic she modelled a vibrant mini dress and revealed she was backmost connected nan Greek Island for spin-off bid What Happened Next?.

A Place In nan Sun's Laura Hamilton, 42, flaunted her jaw-dropping fig arsenic she deed nan formation while filming nan Channel 4 spot show successful Malta connected Monday

She captioned nan post: 'And ACTION… our opening portion to camera connected Mellieha beach… 1 of nan fewer sandy beaches successful Malta!' 

Writing: 'I can’t hold drawback up pinch Russell and Sian successful Malta. I helped them find their spot successful Malta 7 years ago… truthful it’s clip to find retired ‘What Happened Next?…’

It comes conscionable weeks aft nan TV star gave followers a wellness update connected her battle with a uncommon autoimmune disease.

Laura suffers from Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a upset that causes you to person debased platelet levels which often leaves her pinch excessive bruising.

And sharing her day-to-day struggle pinch nan disease, Laura confidently posted a photograph of her legs covered successful bruises.  

She revealed she's been suffering pinch 'flair-ups' this week and has had to deterioration agelong dresses to screen nan bruising for filming.

Alongside nan photo, she wrote: ''This is ITP! Just a small flair up this week. But you won't spot it nether my dress for filming! #itp #autoimmunue #itpawareness'.

Speaking successful a video, she said: 'Well hullo and bully morning. I conscionable want to opportunity convey you truthful overmuch to everybody who reached retired to maine pursuing my caller communicative pinch my legs that are bruised.

'So that's ITP, Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. It's a guidance from a debased platelet count that I person successful my blood. 

Laura past put connected a very leggy show arsenic she modelled a vibrant mini dress and revealed she was backmost connected nan Greek Island for spin-off bid What Happened Next? 

Writing: 'I can’t hold drawback up pinch Russell and Sian successful Malta. I helped them find their spot successful Malta 7 years ago… truthful it’s clip to find retired ‘What Happened Next?…’

'It's been a very, very crazy week for maine which I'll show you much astir very soon. I've been really really engaged and I deliberation it's conscionable taken its toll.'

Platelets are compartment fragments that are recovered successful nan humor and usually thief nan humor to clot. In group pinch ITP, nan assemblage produces antibodies that onslaught and destruct nan platelets. 

The autoimmune illness tin origin easy aliases excessive bleeding aliases bruising pinch galore experiencing purple bruises, arsenic good arsenic mini reddish-purple dots that look for illustration a rash. 

She captioned nan video: 'Also sorry to perceive from those of you that person ITP too, particuarly those whose children person it... I americium happy to connection immoderate proposal that I can! Laura x' 

Laura said astir her illness for nan first clip successful October 2022 and explained that for her, ITP flares up erstwhile she is stressed but it is nether power astatine nan moment. 

It comes conscionable weeks aft nan TV prima gave followers a wellness update connected her conflict pinch a uncommon autoimmune disease 

Laura suffers from Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a upset that causes you to person debased platelet levels which often leaves her pinch excessive bruising 

She said: 'It was really huffy a twelvemonth agone I was filming A Place In The Sun pinch a beautiful mates successful France - Mark and Janine - and I conscionable stood location and I had an insect wound connected my limb and I started scratching it. 

'I was like, "Oh, I shouldn't person done that because I'm gonna person bruises connected my limb from ITP."'

She continued: 'It's benignant of nether power astatine nan infinitesimal I don't person bruising rather for illustration that connected my legs but it does hap it does flare up but I'm ever trying to beryllium affirmative astir things and beryllium a solid half-full.'

The illness only affects 4000 adults astatine 1 time, and is astir communal among young women.

Laura antecedently posted nan image of herself showing nan bruising by holding her limb up successful nan reflector earlier heading retired to movie nan latest bid of nan show successful France.

She wrote successful nan caption of nan tell-all post: 'This week I mightiness person posted a fewer photos successful beautiful dresses, but this is nan reality of what is underneath and what you can’t see…

Continuing connected she said: 'I person had bruising connected my arms and my gums person been bleeding. This is ITP.

'Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an car immune upset that tin lead to easy aliases excessive bruising and bleeding. The bleeding results from unusually debased levels of platelets — nan cells that thief humor clot.'

What is Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)?  

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is simply a upset that tin lead to easy aliases excessive bruising and bleeding.

The bleeding results from unusually debased levels of platelets — nan cells that thief humor clot.  

Formerly known arsenic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP can origin purple bruises, arsenic good arsenic mini reddish-purple dots that look for illustration a rash.  

Children whitethorn create ITP after a viral infection and usually retrieve afloat without treatment. In adults, nan upset is often agelong term.

Immune thrombocytopenia usually happens erstwhile your immune strategy mistakenly attacks and destroys platelets, which are compartment fragments that thief humor clot.  

In adults, this whitethorn beryllium triggered by infection pinch HIV, hepatitis aliases H. pylori — nan type of germs that causes tummy ulcers.  

In astir children pinch ITP, nan upset follows a viral illness, specified arsenic nan mumps aliases nan flu.

 Source: Mayo Clinic 

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