42 lashes for having a drink: Men are brutally caned for consuming alcohol and breaking Sharia law in Indonesia

Trending 1 day ago

By Chris Jewers

Published: 05:54 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 05:58 EDT, 1 July 2024

Three men person been brutally caned 42 times coming for consuming alcohol and breaking Sharia rule connected nan Indonesian land of Sumatra.

Pictures showed an intimidating executor, aliases 'algojo', gripping a rattan earlier carrying retired nan nationalist caning against 4 men successful beforehand of Islamic tribunal officials.

Dressed successful brownish robes, the algojo struck nan backs of nan convicts pinch nan woody cane successful nan centre of a white, tiled room.

Two of nan convicts were seen dressed successful achromatic tunics, while nan different 2 wore reddish tops printed pinch nan sanction of nan territory attorney's office.

They were led into nan mediate of nan room to beryllium connected a bluish rug, their heads bowed, earlier each taking their move to person their respective punishments.

A man has been brutally caned 42 times for consuming intoxicant and breaking Sharia rule connected nan Indonesian land of Sumatra. Pictured: A man is seen being caned in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Pictures showed an intimidating executor, known arsenic an 'algojo', gripping a rattan earlier carrying retired nan nationalist caning against 4 men successful beforehand of Islamic tribunal officials

Dressed successful brownish robes, nan algojo struck nan backs of nan convicts pinch nan woody cane successful nan centre of a white, tiled room. One man was struck 42 times

 Banda Aceh is nan superior and largest metropolis successful nan Indonesian state of Aceh, and is located connected nan land of Sumatra - location to the Acehnese people.

Aceh is nan only state successful Indonesia that has implemented Sharia rule and considers gambling, alcohol, lesbian, cheery and bisexual relationships and activity extracurricular of matrimony arsenic violations of nan law.

Punishments for breaking nan draconian laws include caning, fines, and imprisonment. In 2009, location was a ineligible push to besides let stoning, but this was vetoed by nan politician of Aceh astatine nan time.  

The four Acehnese men received 19 to 42 lashes for drinking alcohol, known arsenic 'khamar' successful law law. A constabulary serviceman pinch a microphone oversaw nan punishments.

The 3 men to person nan 42 lashes were named successful section property arsenic M. Fais Akbar, Aulia Syahputra, and Yusdi, while Cukri Ramadhan received 19.

Before nan reward was out, each men underwent a wellness cheque by a squad of medics. They were each deemed fresh to service their sentence.

The executing charismatic past called nan convicts into nan mediate of nan room 1 by one, wherever nan caning condemnation was carried out.

Kompas reported that nan caning was paused for 1 of nan men aft he groaned successful symptom aft 10 lashes. He was fixed thing to portion by nan medics, who besides checked connected his condition, earlier nan reward continued.

'Today, nan execution of nan caning condemnation for 4 group convicted of violating khamar aliases being drunk has been completed,' said nan Head of nan Banda Aceh District Prosecutor's Office aft nan process.

Supporters of nan Islamic criminal rule reason that specified punishments are ineligible nether nan typical autonomy that is granted to Aceh. 

Two of nan men are seen successful achromatic tunics arriving astatine nan building in Banda Aceh wherever they were precocious caned for breaking nan region's Sharia rule connected consuming alcohol

The 4 men are seen sitting successful beforehand of Islamic tribunal officials and constabulary up of nan punishment, which was carried retired successful nan achromatic tiled room

Supporters of nan Islamic criminal rule reason that specified punishments are ineligible nether nan typical autonomy that is granted to Aceh

Critics person called connected officials to abolish nan usage of caning arsenic a punishment, while besides objecting to nan criminalisation of activity extracurricular of matrimony and homosexuality.

Amnesty International, which has urged nan region to extremity nan believe of caning cheery men, said 108 canings were carried retired successful 2015 and 100 successful 2016.

It said that law rule applied to non-Muslims for nan first clip successful 2016 erstwhile a Christian female was sentenced to 28 strokes for trading alcohol.

In 2022 it was reported that a female had received 100 lashes for adultery, while nan man she had nan matter pinch only received 15 lashes.

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